Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa



1. Themes: Units 6, 7, 8, 9

2. Word formation


Sentence transformation


1. Perfect Gerunds & Perfect Participles

2. The Present Perfect & The Present Perfect Continuous

3. Participle & to-infinitive clauses

4. Question tags

5. Conditional sentences type 0

Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa trang 1

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa trang 3

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa trang 10

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Yên Hòa
bon dioxide in the atmosphere enters 
the ocean and increases the acidity of ocean 
waters. This acidification further stresses ocean ecosystems. 
 ("Global Warming" by Michael Mastrandrea and Stephen H. Schneider) 
1. What does the passage mainly discuss? 
A. Influence of climate changes on human lifestyles. 
B. Effects of global warming on animals and plants. 
C. Global warming and possible solutions. 
D. Global warming and species migration. 
2. Scientists have observed that warmer temperatures in the spring cause flowers to 
A. die instantly B. bloom earlier C. become lighter D. lose color 
3. The pronoun “those" in paragraph 2 refers to ______. 
A. areas B. species C. ecosystems D. habitats 
4. According to the passage, if some species are not able to adjust quickly to warmer 
temperatures, ______. 
A. they may be endangered B. they can begin to develop 
C. they move to tropical forests D. they will certainly need water 
5. The word “fragile” in paragraph 4 most probably means ______. 
A. very large B. easily damaged C. rather strong D. pretty hard 
6. The bleaching of coral reefs as mentioned in paragraph 4 indicates ______. 
A. the water absorption of coral reefs B. the slow death of coral reefs 
C. the blooming phase of sea weeds D. the quick growth of marine mammals 
7. The level of acidity in the ocean is increased by ______. 
A. the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the ocean 
B. the decrease of acidity of the pole waters 
C. the extinction of species in coastal areas 
D. the loss of acidity in the atmosphere around the earth 
Passage 4 
 One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a 
monument of wisdom and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 B.C. 
Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its construction makes it one of the truly 
wonders of the world. The thirteen- acre structure near the Nile River is a solid mass 
of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are the number of hidden passageways 
and the burial chamber of the Pharaoh. It is the largest single structure in the world. 
The four sides of the pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east and 
west - an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshippers 
and great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were based on 
astronomical observations. 
 Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many 
intersecting lines. Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of 
timeline of events – past, present and future. Many of the events have been 
interpreted and found to coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied 
for future generations and are currently under investigation. Many believe that 
pyramids have supernatural powers and this one is no exception. Some researchers 
even associate it with extraterrestrial beings of ancient past. 
 Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far 
superior to any known today? 
1. What has research of the base revealed? 
A. There are cracks in the foundation. 
B. Tomb robbers have stolen the Pharaoh’s body. 
C. The lines represent important events. 
D. A superior race of people built in. 
2. Extraterrestrial beings are ______. 
A. very strong workers B. astronomers in the ancient times 
C. researchers in Egyptology D. living beings from other planets 
3. The word “feat” in the first paragraph is closet in meaning to ______. 
A. accomplishment B. appendage C. festivity D. structure 
4. In the second passage, the word “prophesied” in the second paragraph is closest 
in meaning to ______. 
A. affiliated B. precipitated C. terminated D. foretold 
5. On what did the ancient Egyptians base their calculations? 
A. Observation of the celestial bodies. B. Advanced technology. 
C. Advanced tools of measurement. D. Knowledge of the earth’s surface. 
Passage 5 
 It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people 
subscribe to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce 
weight, studies are being conducted concerning the appetite and how it is controlled 
by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies 
may give insights into how to deal with weight problems. For example, when several 
hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent 
said they reacted to stressful situations by eating. Further investigations with both 
humans and animals indicated that it is not food which relieves tension but rather the 
act of chewing. 
 A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener 
sense of taste and crave more flavorful food than non-obese people. When deprived 
of the variety and intensity of tastes, obese people are not satisfied and consequently 
eat more to fulfill this need. Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a 
picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood 
insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen to average-weight 
 In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, 
biologically induced hunger for carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raise the level of 
serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of 
satiation, and hunger for carbohydrates subsides. 
 Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss program. 
However, it has been found that mild exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the 
elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous program, such as jogging, 
which many people find difficult to continue over long periods of time and which also 
increases appetite. 
 (Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test by Jolene Gear) 
1. The word “crave” in paragraph 2 can best be replaced with ______. 
A. devour B. absorb C. season D. desire 
2. The author mentions people’ eating habits during times of stress to show that 
A. overweight people are tense 
B. thin people don’t eat when under stress 
C. a large percentage of people deal with stress by eating. 
D. 56 percent of the population isn’t overweight 
3. The passage supports which of the following conclusions? 
A. thin people don’t enjoy food. 
B. a variety of foods and strong flavors satisfy heavy people. 
C. overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste. 
D. deprivation of food makes people fat. 
4. According to the passage, insulin ______. 
A. increases in the bloodstream when people eat large amounts of food. 
B. can be used to lessen the appetite. 
C. causes a chemical reaction when food is seen. 
D. levels don’t change in average-weight people who see food. 
5. What can be said about serotonin? 
A. It is a chemical that increases the appetite. 
B. Only certain people produce it in their brains. 
C. It tells the brain when a person is full. 
D. It neurotransmits carbohydrates to the brain. 
6. The word “subsides” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______. 
A. suppresses B. conquers C. multiplies D. declines 
7. Which one of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person to 
engage in daily? 
A. 10-mile bicycle rides. B. Cross- country skiing. 
C. A long swim. D. An evening walk. 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) 
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following 
1. Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potential dangerous diseases. 
A. scattered B. popular C. common D. infectious 
2. Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to 
get bachelor’s degrees. 
A. following B. entering C. continuing D. extending 
3. South Cave is situated twelve miles west of Hull. 
A. located B. expanded C. based D. stretched 
4. Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demolished in the early 20th 
A. rebuilt B. renovated C. excavated D. pulled down 
5. Taj Mahaj is a giant mausoleum of white marble in Arga, India. It is considered to 
be an outstanding work of art. 
A. noticeable B. scholarly C. brilliant D. influential 
6. People who hold optimistic view believe that cities of the future will increase the 
general well-being of individuals and societies. 
A. health state B. quality of life 
C. level of development D. freedom 
7. There's a real mix of people in Brighton. It has a very cosmopolitan feel to it. 
A. varied B. hectic C. multi-cultural D. diversified 
8. He was delighted with the result of the experiment. 
A. satisfied B. suspicious C. amazed D. certain 
9. What you must do is carry out as much investigation as is reasonably possible to 
narrow it down to one suspect. 
A. launch B. lead C. conduct D. commence 
10. I’m a bit wary of giving people my address when I don’t know them very well. 
A. cautious B. upset C. unwilling D. doubtful 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) 
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following 
1. One of the reasons why families break up is that parents are always critical of each 
A. harmonious B. supportive C. tolerant D. thoughtful 
2. Global warming occurs when the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the 
heat from the sun. 
A. radiate B. expose C. obtain D. release 
3. The victims suffered severe head injuries in the accident. 
A. internal B. slight C. shallow D. flesh 
4. What is the principal distinction between ducks and geese? 
A. relation B. difference C. characteristic D. similarity 
5. Subsequent investigations did not uncover any new evidence. 
A. previous B. detailed C. extensive D. thorough 
6. Digital watches that display time electronically are swiftly replacing analog 
A. slowly B. eventually C. gradually D. rapidly 
7. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play. 
A. unqualified B. unprofessional 
C. unskilled D. visually-impaired 
8. There has been no discernable improvement in the noise levels since lorries were 
A. obvious B. positive C. insignificant D. steady 
9. The explorers found that the natives had crude weapons and tools. 
A. primitive B. powerful C. deadly D. modern 
10. It was not a comfortable environment for the boarders, but its very shabbiness 
made it liveable in. 
A. endurable B. habitable C. inhabited D. residential 
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the given words in 
the brackets. 
1. Earthquakes are an unusual . in England but are not totally 
unknown. (OCCUR) 
2. Until we all give up violence, there cannot possibly be . 
peace in the world. (LAST) 
3. Penicillin can be taken in various forms and is . against a 
wide range of infections. (AFFECT) 
4. The government has promised to stop . by the state-
owned chemical plants. (DUMP) 
5. He's . about the need to protect the environment. 
6. Everything I've heard about your work has been highly . 
7. The library is installing new technology to . access to its 
huge store of information. (BROAD) 
8. The research is part of a wider programme involving staff and 
. students at Imperial College Management School. 
9. An . of data from Australia shows that skin cancer is on the 
increase. (ANALYSE) 
10. What makes them different is their talent and their skills, without which our 
civilization would lose a priceless . heritage. (ART) 
11. Okinawa was . and reminded me of Hawaii, based on the 
movies I had seen. (SCENERY) 
12. I've always admired his . use of language. 
13. Their . parents will be looked after in private homes. 
14. Don't leave your . sneakers lying around the living room. 
15. These bins should not be used for the . of kitchen waste. 
Rewrite/ complete the sentences as directed in the brackets. 
1. Salinity of water had caused significant damage to the crops and livestock in Ben 
Tre. Local people in Ben Tre blamed it for that damage. (Rewrite the sentence, using 
=> Local people in Ben Tre blamed .... 
2. The burning of fossil fuels and other human activities has increased average global 
temperatures by 0.8 degree centigrade over the past 100 years. Scientists accuse it 
for that. (Rewrite the sentence, using a PERFECT GERUND) 
=> Scientists accuse .. 
3. The US government caused various diseases and birth defects in Vietnam with 
Agent Orange. But the US government denies that. (Rewrite the sentence, using a 
=> The US government denies .... 
4. So far the college authorities (TRY) . to make the 
application process as simple and fast as possible for international students. 
(Complete the sentence with THE PRESENT PERFECT or PRESENT PERFECT 
5. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and Training (ATTEMPT) 
. to prevent classroom overcrowding with a plan to establish 
a further number of over 40 universities in Vietnam. (Complete the sentence with THE 
6. The university (ESTABLISH) . an international faculty that 
is responsible for the partnership with overseas institutions since 2005. (Complete the 
7. Scientists (PUT) . a lot of effort into the area of science 
and technology since the economic reform in 1985. (Complete the sentence with THE 
8. Phong Nha – Ke Bang is the largest limestone region that contains several hundred 
caves and grottoes. (Rewrite the sentence replacing the relative clause with a 
=> .. 
9. Visitors who are carried through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy 
the beauty in the caves. (Rewrite the sentence replacing the relative clause with a 
=> .. 
10. For centuries, Hoi An had developed into a melting pot of various nationalities who 
came to the area and brought along their own cultures. (Rewrite the sentence 
replacing the relative clause with a PARTICIPLE or TO-INFINITIVE CLAUSE.) 
=> .. 
11. Nothing went wrong, ? (Complete the sentence with a question 
12. Across the globe, nations are preparing for water scarcity, ? 
(Complete the sentence with a question tag.) 
13. There used to be trees here, ? (Complete the sentence with a 
question tag.) 
14. I'm too late, ? (Complete the sentence with a question tag.) 
15. Don't touch that button, ? (Complete the sentence with a 
question tag.) 
- THE END - 

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