Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ

A. Theory

- Ngữ âm, từ vựng Unit 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

- Các cấu trúc câu dùng trong giao tiếp.

- Cấu trúc ngữ pháp Unit 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

1. Passive voice with modal verbs

(+) Object (O) + may, must, can, could, ought to, should + be + verb3

(?) Must, may, can, should, might + object (O) + be + verb3 (past participle)?

Ex: Our English teacher may give an exam today.

 →An exam may be given by our English teacher today.

* Các động từ khuyết thiếu thường gặp

a. can – could : Ability - Khả năng ai đó có thể làm gì

Can diễn tả khả năng ai đó có thể làm gì ở hiện tại, còn could diễn tả khả năng ở quá khứ.

b. may – might : Possibility - Khả năng việc gì có thể xảy ra

Might diễn tả khả năng xảy ra thấp hơn may.

c. will – would : Request - Yêu cầu

Will I hoặc Would I thể hiện sự yêu cầu. Tuy nhiên Would I thường được sử dụng trong hoàn cảnh trang trọng hơn.

d. should - ought to : Advice - Lời khuyên

Khi dùng should và ought to để đưa lời khuyên thì ought to có ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh hơn, gần như là người nói khuyên người nghe phải làm theo.

e. must : Obligation - Sự bắt buộc

Must được dùng để thể hiện sự bắt buộc

f. shall : Suggestion - Gợi ý

Shall được dùng để đưa ra gợi ý và thường đi với các chủ ngữ I và We. Shall thường tạo cảm giác khá trang trọng cho người nghe.


Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 1

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 6

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 7

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 10

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ
ous) ______________________ animal in the world?
VII. Complete the following sentences with a, an or the.
1. Their car runs 150 miles ___________ hour.
2. Where's ___________ USB drive I lent you last week?
3. Is your mother working in ___________ old office building?
4. When I was ___________ child, I used to be very shy.
5. Mary and I arrived at ___________ same time.
VIII. Complete the following sentences with a suitable relative pronoun.
1. The waitress __________ served us was impolite and impatient.
2. The building __________ was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
3. Some people __________ were arrested have now been released.
4. I read about the child __________ life was saved by her pet dog.
5. The police have to try to catch the men __________ drive dangerously.
IX. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
In Britain, greetings cards are sold in chain stores and supermarkets, in newsagents’ shops, corner shops and, increasingly, in shops that specialize in the sale of cards and paper for wrapping presents in.
The most common cards are birthday and Christmas cards. Many Christmas cards are sold in aid of charity and special ‘charity card shops’ are often set up in temporary premises in the weeks before Christmas. A wide variety of birthday cards is available to cater for different ages and tastes. Some, especially ones for young children or for people celebrating a particular birthday, have the person’s age on the front. Many have comic, often risqué, messages printed on them, and cartoon-style illustrations. Others are more sober, with reproductions of famous paintings or attractive original designs. The usual greeting on a birthday card is ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘Many Happy Returns’ or ‘Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday’.
Some people also send special cards for Easter and New Year. Easter cards either portray images of spring, such as chicks, eggs, lambs, spring flowers, etc, or have a religious theme. 
Cards are produced for every ‘milestone’ in a person’s life. There are special cards for an engagement, a marriage, a new home, a birth, success in an examination, retirement, a death in the family, etc. Some are ‘good luck’ or ‘congratulations’ cards. Others, for example ‘get well’ cards for people who are ill, express sympathy.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
	A. Greetings Cards B. Birthday Cards C. Christmas Cards 	D. Easter Cards
2. The word ‘some’ in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
	A. young children B. ages and tastes 	C. card shops 	D. birthday cards
3. Which of the following is NOT the usual greeting on a birthday card?
	A. ‘Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday’ B. ‘Happy Birthday’
	C. ‘Good luck’ 	D. ‘Many Happy Returns’
4. The word ‘milestone’ in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
	A. a positive view 	B. a special gift 	C. an important event D. a convenient way
5. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
	A. greetings cards are used on many different occasions
	B. there are few choices of birthday cards
	C. greetings cards are not very popular in Britain
	D. greetings cards are for children only
X. Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each of the blanks.
	A person who tosses a can or a napkin on the ground is contributing to land pollution. This (1)______ of pollution mainly involves the depositing on land of solid wastes that cannot be broken down quickly or, in some cases, at all. Heaps of trash are not only unpleasant to look at - they can (2)______ interfere with the lives of plants and animals. 
	Land pollution also includes the build-up of (3)______ chemicals on land. The use of pesticides in farming is a major source of this type of pollution. These chemicals are spread over fields to kill insects, weeds, fungi, or rodents that are a threat to crops. But pesticides harm or (4)______ other living things too. When they drift with the wind or become absorbed (5)______ fruits and vegetables, they can become a source of health problems such as cancer and birth defects. 
1. 	A. plan 	B. use 	C. train 	D. type 
2. 	A. so 	B. also 	C. too 	D. such 
3. 	A. poisonously 	B. poison 	C. poisoning 	D. poisonous 
4. 	A. make 	B. kill 	C. get 	D. help 
5. 	A. of 	B. up 	C. into 	D. on
XI. Identify ONE mistake among A, B, C or D.
1. It is strange but often a coke is expensiver than a beer.
 A B C D
2. Touch screen is the screen whom allows giving instructions by touching.
 A B C D
3. Scientists have tried to assess the impact of human activities on the environmental.
 A B C D
4. Ann asked Kirk if had he really writtenthat story the previous day.
 A B C D
5. If I passed this exam, I’ll go to the university next summer.
 A B C D
6. All new workers mustn’t have a medical examination.
 A B C D
7. The chemical pollutants from cars and factories make the air, water and soil 
 A B C 
dangerously dirtily. 
8. Do you remembera name of the hotel which is at the end of this street?
 A B C D
9. If they lived in Vietnam, they will experience terrible traffic .
 A B C D 
10. Mr.Smithwas elderthanMr.Longwhenhegotmarried.
 A B C D
XII. Writing 
A. Rewrite the sentences with suggested words. 
1. Smoking is not allowed in the hospital.
	à We 	
2.Most of the students can answer this question.
	àThis question 	
3. “Where were you last night, Mr. Jones ?” she said
	à She asked.	..
4. There is no better teacher in this school than Mrs. Jackson.
	àMrs. Jackson is 	
5. If she doesn’t water these trees, they will die.
6. Study hard or you’ll fail in the exam.
7. The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night.
	à The man whom 	
8. Tom said: “I’m going to visit my grandmother tomorrow.”
	à Tom said that 	
9. John said, “You’d better not lend them any money, Mary”.
à Jonh advised ............................................................................................................................
10. “Don’t be afraid of dog, ” said the man to Kate.
à The man told.........................................................................................................................
11. The Vietnamese government will give the suitable methods to reduce the polluted air.
à The suitable methods..............................................................................................................
12. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.
à If Peter.................................................................................................................................
B. Use the suggestions to write complete sentences
13.She / sing /more beautifully/ she/ play/ piano.
14. The newly-wedded couple/ spend/ honeymoon / Italy/ last week.
15. Rising sea levels/ can/ add / erosion / our coastlines.
16. Students / homework/ be/ late/will / punished.
17. We / not allow /any kind / discrimination / women / girls.
18. Smoke/ have / negative influence / health. 
19. If/ I/ you/, I / not/ do / that
20. Mrs. Miller/ said/ that / not feel / better/ then.
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. beef 	B. beer 	C. engineer 	D. cheer
2. A. cup	 B. continent	 C. competition D. center
Choose the word whose stress pattern if different from the rest.
3. A. enjoy	B. housework 	C. teacher	 D. woman
4. A. similar 	B. personal 	C. concentrate	D. Vietnamese
Choose the word or phrase that is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following 
5. Nam: By the way, what does “environmental impact” mean, Dad?
 A. conservation B. negative influence C. depletion D. positive effect
6. A doctor is a person who is responsible for taking care of people’s health.	
 A. examining B. searching for C. looking after D. taking after
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
7. Mass tourism has contributed to the destruction of the environment.
A. damage	B. spoil	C. endangerment	D. protection
8. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
 A. protect	 B. eliminate	C. pollute	D. destroy
Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences
9. Water _________are things like detergents, pesticides, oils and other chemicals that make the water unclean and contaminated.
A. pollutants	 B. pollution	C. deforestation	D. fossil fuels
10. The areas are very________ for tourists who love to study and discover.
 A. successful	B. aware	C. available	D. suitable
11. Students can download programme and__________from internet.
 A. drink	B. food	C. materials	D. note
12. I believe gender ____________ in education starts at home.
 A. discriminate	B. discriminator 	C. discriminative 	D. discrimination	
13. If I’m free on Saturday , I ___________to the mountains.
 A. to go 	B. would go 	C. went 	D. will go
14. The laptop_________cover is decorated with funny animals belongs to my aunt.
 A. whose	B. that	C. which	D. B & C are correct
15. If Eric _____5 years younger, he could travel around the world.
 A. is	B. were	C. had been	D. would be
16. Women ____________ if they have to do two jobs: at work and at home.
 A. are exhaust	B. willbe exhausted	C. can be exhausting	D. be exhausted
17. My brother likes playing_________ football while my sister is interested in playing ________ piano.
 A. the/ the	B. 0 / the	 C. the / 0 	 D. 0/0
18. Tom said that he __________his motorbike the day before.
A. have lost	B. had lost	 C. loses	 D. has lost
19. The rooms in Graduate Towers are ___________ than those in Patterson Hall.
 A. more larger	B. as larger	C. larger	D. largest
20. WhenI______thedoor,shewas readinga newspaper.
 A. opens	B.opened	 C.wasopening	 D. wasopened
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
21. Ann asked Kirk if had he really writtenthat story the previous day.
22. If youlived in Vietnam, you will enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in countryside.
 A B C D
23. Mr. Smith, that is my Uncle, isawell-known teacher.
24. My mother is the morecaring woman in the family.
 A B C D
Choose the best answer to complete the following exchanges.
25. Thomas: “ Do you feel like going to the cinema tonight?” Susan: “ _______________”
	A. I don’t agree. I’m afraid.	B. You’re welcome.	
	C. That would be great!	D. I feel very bored.
26. “ A new Japanese restaurant just opened downtown. Let’s eat there tonight.” – “ ________”
 A. No, we shan’t.	B. Great idea! I’d like some sushi.
 C. Yes, it did.	D. Yes, I will.
Choose the correct sentence (A, B, C or D) which has the same meaning as the given one.
27. "I'm leaving here for Da Lat next week " said Mrs Lan.
A. Mrs Lan said she was leaving there for Da Lat the following week.	
B. Mrs Lan said to me she was leaving there for Da Lat next week.
C. Mrs Lan tells she is leaving here for Da Lat the following week.	
D. Mrs Lan told me that I was leaving there for Da Lat the week after .
28. The Mekong River is longer than any other river in Vietnam.
 A. The Mekong River is as long as any other river in Vietnam.
 B. The Mekong River is not as long as any other river in Vietnam.
 C. The Mekong River is not longer than any other river in Vietnam.
 D. The Mekong River is the longest in Vietnam.
29. I don’t know Philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
 A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
 B. If I know Philosophy, I will answer your question.
 C. If I knew Philosophy, I could answer your question.
 D. If I had known Philosophy, I could answer your question.
30. He gave me the information. I wrote it down at once.
	A. He gave me the information that I wrote it down at once.
	B. He gave me the information, that I wrote down at once.
	C. He gave me the information which I wrote it down at once.
	D. He gave me the information which I wrote down at once.
Read the following passage and choose the best answer: 
 In order to help solve the problem of pollution, people have to be aware of its causes, some of which are quite obvious in everyday life. In many cities, people are forced to breathe in polluted air, commonly known as smog, which is a mixture of gases sent out by car exhausts and factory chimneys. What can be done to reduce air pollution is to remove factories from cities and use lead-free petrol in cars.
	The pollution of rivers, lakes and seas leads to the death of the creatures that live in them. Factories are largely responsible for the present situation, which is expected to worsen if governments do not make them obey the law against pollution and punish industries which pollute water.
	Finally, all over the world, especially in cities, we see huge amounts of rubbish in the streets, which we are responsible for. The rubbish collection system often does not work properly and people themselves add to the problem by dropping litter in the streets. There is so much we could do to help solve the problem. The point is how willing we are to do something about it.
31. Smog is caused by_________.
	A. cars and factories	B. cars only	C. air	D. factories only
32. In order to help solve the problem of pollution,_____________
 A. people need to know what causes it.
 B. people don’t need to know what causes it.
 C. people have to do something immediately.
 D. people don’t need to do anything about it. 
 33. What does the word "them" in paragraph 2 refer to?
	A. governments	B. factories	C. creatures	D. situations
 34. Which of the following is NOT true?
	A. We are responsible for huge amounts of rubbish in the cities.
	B. People add to the problem of pollution by collecting rubbish.
	C. People add to the problem of pollution by dropping litter.
	D. Huge amounts of rubbish in the cities cause pollution.
 35. The pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is largely caused by________.
	A. lead-free petrol in cars	B. creatures	
	C. factories	D. car exhausts
Read the following passage and choose the best answer to fill in the gaps: 
Vietnam is (36)_______to have great potential to develop ecotourism such as high biodiversity and a variety of ecosystems which are not able to be (37)________somewhere else.
 Firstly, Vietnam has a high biodiversity. There are thousands of plant species including many precious (38)________ and there are also thousands of animal species and subspecies (39)_________ we have up to 10 typical animal species of a tropical region.
 (40)_______, Vietnam has a variety of ecosystems bringing many benefits to the local economy. They are typical coral reef, wetlands ecosystems, coastal sand ecosystems, tropical forest ecosystems, etc.
36. A. luckily	B. luck	C. luckiness	D. lucky
37. A. found	B. studied	C. gone	D. known 
38. A. materials	B. ones	C. animals	D. works
39. A. in that	B. who	C. in which	D. whose
40. A. Secondly	B. But	C. However	D. Therefore

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