Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020


Choose a word in each line that has a different stress pattern.

1. A. courage B. workforce C. atmosphere D. disaster

2. A. inspire B. influence C. support D. reduce

3. A. property B. difference C. injury D. encourage

4. A. successful B. disruptive C. communicate D. ceremony

5. A. understand B. reception C. assignment D. diversity

6. A. Vietnamese B. enthusiasm C. inequality D. presentation

7. A. honeymoon B. admire C. pursue D. erosion

8. A. pollutant B. desired C. environment D. disappoint

9. A. preference B. technology C. symbolic D. material

10. A. chemical B. scientist C. infect D. forest

11. A. income B. electronic C. natural D. motivate

12. A. introduce B. equality C. proposal D. support

13. A. degradation B. limitation C. environmental D. opportunity

14. A. relative B. improve C. dependent D. contaminate

15. A. convenient B. fertilizer C. poverty D. damage

16. A. engagement B. traditional C. contribute D. similarity

17. A. cultural B. dedicate C. recommend D. dictionary

18. A. qualified B. suitable C. complete D. global

19. A. affect B. access C. distracting D. deplete

20. A. motivation B. conservation C. electronic D. discrimination


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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020 trang 2

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2019-2020
n this country have made good __________ in eliminating domestic violence.
A. wage	B. progress	C. way	D. knowledge
Efforts should be made to offer all children equal access __________ education.
A. to	B. in	C. about	D. on
A person looking after someone who is sick, disabled or old at home is a __________.
A. housekeeper	B. baby-sitter	C. caretaker	D. breadwinner
Gender equality means that both men and women are treated __________.
A. equally	B. unequally	C. differently	D. well
People have __________ poverty and hunger in many parts of the world.
A. increased	B. encouraged	C. improved	D. eliminated
The government has done a lot to __________ gender equality in education, employment opportunities 
 and healthcare.
A. promote	B. develop	C. satisfy	D. get
In the past, most parents had preference __________ boys over girls.
A. to	B. for	C. against	D. in
In the past, the _________ and engagement ceremonies took place one or two years before the wedding.
A. suggestion	B. reception	C. marriage	D. proposal 
A man who is getting married or about to get married is a __________ .
A. bridegroom	B. bride	C. bridesmaid	D. groomsman
A formal agreement or promise to get married is a(n) __________.
A. proposal	B. wedding	C. engagement	D. ceremony 
Vietnam has kept various __________ beliefs about daily activities.
A. superstition	B. superstitious	C. superstitiously	D. superstitiousness
We are preparing for a class discussion ________ personal electronic devices.
A. about	B. on	C. for	D. at
A ________ can be used to do assignments and projects and study English.
A. laptop	B. tablet	C. headphone	D. smartphone
I’m looking for some new ________ to put on my smartphone to improve my English pronunciation.
A. devices	B. applications	C. tools	D. technology
Electronic dictionaries in mobile devices are a great tool, but you need to think how to use them __ .
A. affect	B. effect	C. effective	D. effectively 
With voice recognition technology, you can see words on the screen and hear them ________.
A. speak	B. spoken	C. speaking	D. spoke
An interactive whiteboard helps students learn English in a more ________ way. 
A. stimulating	B. stimulated	C. stimulatingly	D. stimulate
Students can download information or materials necessary for their study much faster, using the newest types of mobile ________ .
A. applications	B. devices	C. technology	D. programmes
Language translation ________ allows you to translate from one language into another.
A. touch screen	B. recorder	C. device	D. software
English devices distract students ________ their study.
A. against	B. in	C. out of	D. from 
A dictionary should only be used when all other ways of ________ the meaning have failed.
A. finding out	B. looking for	C. finding on	D. looking up
You can listen and study anywhere because these mobile devices are ________.
A. small	B. portable 	C. convenient	D. useful
In the age of technology, students can easily communicate with each other ________ .
A. electronics	B. electronic	C. electronically	D. electronical
With smartphones, students can ________ information and put it into a laptop or desktop for later use.
A. download	B. share	C. send	D. change
In the age of technology you can ________ new applications which are very useful for learning English.
A. take advantage on	B. make advantage of	C. take advantage of	D. make advantage on
________ will lead to the extinction of rare animals due to the loss of their habitats, and extreme floods and land erosion.
A. Greenhouse effect	B. Deforestation	C. Global warming	D. Forestation
The ________ of energy in this area has increased a lot since a new modern resort was built.
A. consumption	B. consume	C. consumer	D. consuming
The coastal areas have been severely _________ by the disposal of harmful chemical rubbish.
A. polluted	B. polluting	C. pollute	D. pollution
_________ can cause stress and psychological and health problems for humans such as increased heart rate and hearing damage.
A. water pollution	B. air pollution	C. noise pollution	D. soil pollution
We should have _________ plans to replace the trees cut down for farmland use in the region.
A. deforestation	B. deforest	C. forest	D. forestation
The _________ of the environment from threats such as deforestation, the extinction of rare animals, pollution and natural resources depletion is one of the WWF’s missions.
A. protect	B. protected	C. protection	D. protecting
The ________ occurs when the earth's atmosphere traps certain gases such as carbon dioxide as well as water vapour. This makes the earth's surface warmer.
A. global warming 	B. air pollution	C. fossil fuel depletion	D. greenhouse effect	
_________ is a result of dumping plastic or other inorganic waste in the ground and the overuse of chemical fertilizers in agriculture.
A. water pollution	B. soil pollution 	C. noise pollution	D. air pollution
The deforestation during the 20th century made the vegetation in this region, originally a vast forest refuge for innumerable species, disappeared.
A. plants	B. trees	C. animals	D. human
we should protect our earth ________ many threats such as deforestation, pollution and fossil fuel depletion.
A. from	B. to	C. in	D. against
The burning of fossil fuels by factories, motor vehicles, aircraft and rockets has led to ________ and resulted in acid rain, greenhouse effect and global warming.
A. water pollution	B. soil pollution 	C. noise pollution	D. air pollution
People should ________ every effort to preserve the environment for the next generation.
A. try	B. do	C. make	D. create
Over-exploitation of oil will lead to the ________ of this natural resource.
A. deplete	B. depletion	C. depleting	D. depleted
Intensive pesticide and fertilizer sprays in agriculture have resulted ________ the serious pollution of soil, water and air.
A. in	B. at	C. about	D. to
Awareness of ________ preservation should be raised in the public as well as in education.
A. environment	B. environmental	C. environmentalist	D. environmentally
Water pollutants are things such as detergents, pesticides, oil and other chemicals and rubbish blockages in rivers that make the water unclean or contaminated.
A. dangerous	B. poisonous	C. polluted	D. harmful
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
The keys ______ somewhere.
A. must have been left	B. must have been leaving C. must have left	D. must be leaving
We ________ stop when the traffic lights are red.
A. will	B. can	C. should	D. must
He ________ enter the examination room because he was late.
A. mustn’t 	B. couldn’t	C. shouldn't	D. might not
The company ________ for wage discrimination.
A. will sue	B. can sue	C. will be sued	D. can be sued
Married women ________ to pursue a career of their preference.
A. can encourage	B. should encourage	C. can be encouraged	D. must encourage
Domestic violence against women and girls ________ when governments and people co-operate.
A. will be eliminated	B. will eliminate	C. will eliminated	D. will be eliminate
He ________ with an award for his hard work on gender equality.
A. must be presented	B. might present	C. might be presented	D. must present
Your dad has been working hard in the garden for four hours . He ___ tired now
A. can be	B. must be	C. must	D. will be
Your car ________ regularly if you want it to be in good condition.
A. must service	B. can service	C. can be serviced	D. must be serviced
It ________ rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella?
A. had better	B. might	C. must	D. could
“I have got a headache.” – “You _________ go to see the doctor.”
A. may	B. could	C. should	D. might
These people wanted to start ________ new life in ________ new country, but they faced a lot of difficulties because they didn’t know anything about ________ new land.
A. a / the/ a	B. the / a / the	C. X / a / the	D. a/ a / the
They had ________ food and ________ warm homes for the winter, so they wanted to say thank you to their native American friends.
A. a / the	B. X / X	C. the / X	D. X / the
When you go to __________ store, please buy __________ bottle of __________ chocolate milk and ________ dozen oranges.
A. the / a / X/ a	B. the / a / a / a	C. the / the / the / a	D. the / X/ X/ a
It was ________ very hot day. It was ________ hottest day of ________ year.
A. a / the / the 	B. the / the / the	C. a / the / a	D. Ø / the / Ø
You’ll find ________ information you need at ________ top of ________ page 24.
A. Ø / the / the	B. the / a / the	C. the / the / Ø	D. Ø / a / the
 We went out for ________ meal last night. ________ restaurant we went to was excellent.
A. a / The	B. the / a	C. a / Ø	D. the / Ø
________ highest mountain in ________ Africa is ________ Kilimanjaro.
A. A / the / the	B. The / Ø / the 	C. The / Ø / Ø	D. A / Ø / the
Why don't you try and find a ________ computer game and save some money?
A. cheaper	B. cheapest	C. more cheap	D. most cheap
Life is ________ today than it was 100 years ago.
A. the most dangerous	B. more dangerous	C. the more dangerous	D. most dangerous
The baby’s illness is ________ than we thought at first.
A. bad 	B. worst 	C. worse 	D. badly
What is ________ thing you have ever done?
A. more difficult	B. the most difficult 	C. the more difficult 	D. more difficult than
My brother sang ________ of all the pupils of the group.
A. more beautifully	B. the most beautifully	C. less beautifully	D. most beautifully
Of Charles Dickens’ novels, Great Expectations is perhaps ________ to many readers.
A. the most satisfying one	B. most satisfying one	
C. more satisfying than one	D. the more satisfying than
The story was really boring. It was ________ I’ve ever read.
A. most boring story	B. the more boring story	C. the story more boring	D. the most boring story
The picture he gave you is more valuable ________ the one he gave me.
A. over	B. above	C. to	D. than
They are the modern devices ________ have changed the way we learn.
A. which	B. who	C. whom	D. whose
The laptop ________ cover is decorated with funny animals belongs to my aunt.
A. whose	B. which	C. that	D. whom
A tablet is also perfect for people ________ work is to draw and write.
A. which	B. who	C. whose	D. whom
That media player, ________ I often use to practise English, has some great apps.
A. who	B. whose	C. that	D. which
The woman ________ you have just spoken to is my favourite English teacher.
A. whom	B. which	C. who	D. A and C
Alexander Graham Bell, _________ invention is the telephone, was born in Scotland.
A. whose	B. who	C. whom	D. that
John, ________ has used his smartphone to take pictures of the trip, will upload them on the Internet.
A. who	B. that	C. whom	D. A and B
I remember Alice,________ rode the bus to school with.
A. I 	B. whom I 	C. which I 	D. Who
We talk about the party ________ Mary wants to organize for my birthday.
A. that 	B. whom 	C. which 	D. A and C
He received a low mark for his essay, ________ was only one page long.
A. which	B. whom	C. who	D. that
The man ________ I introduced to you last night may be the next president of the university.
A. whom	B. whose	C. which	D. A and B
Stevenson is an architect ________ designs have won the international praise.
A. which	B. who	C. whose	D. whom
I wondered ______ the rights thing
A. whether I was doing	B. if I am doing	C. am I doing	D. was I doing
The mother told her son ________ so impolitely.
A. not behaving	B. not to behave	C. did not behave	D. not behave
John asked me ________ in English.
A. what does this word mean	B. what that word means
C. what did this word mean	D. what that word meant
He asked ________ him some money.
A. her to lend 	B. her lending 	C. she has lent 	D. she lends
Take _____ of the chance to do some sightseeing while you are here.
A. profit	B. benefit	C. exploit	D. advantage
The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted ______a good answer.
A. came out of 	B. came up with	C. came up to	D. came out at
My father asked me _____ of the film.
A. what do you think	B. what I think	C. what did you think	D. what I thought
Do you like the weather here? – I wish it ____
A. doesn’t rain	B. didn’t rain	C. hadn’t rained	D. won’t rain 
If public opinion doesn’t change suddenly, He ____win the next election
A. would	B. will	C. be	D. would be
48. I’ll be very disappointed if you .................. the exam.
A. don’t pass	B. won’t pass	C. aren’t passing	D. wouldn’t pass
49. If he .................. harder, the results would be better.
A. has worked	 	B. works	C. will work	D. worked
50. If I ____ you, I _____ his invitation.
A. am/ will refuse	B. were/ would refuse	C. was/ will refuse	D. had been/ would have refused
 Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1- I’d like to visit Singapore more than any other countries in the world
 Singapore is.
2. “Make good use of your time. You won’t get such an opportunity again.” he said to me.
He advised me ..
3. “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police” shouted the lady to the man
 The lady threatened .
4. “I am in a bit of hurry, but I’ll ring you tomorrow”, he said
He said that.
5. I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first.
 If ..
6. They must not allow any kind of violence at school.
 Any kind .............................................................................................
7. Many people believe that no sea in the world is warmer than the Red Sea.
 The Red Sea .....................................................................................
8- I’ll make the coffee provided you do the washing up
9. I can't cook as well as my mother does.
 My mother ..
10. I won’t organise the party unless you arrange the food.
As long as
11. "Don’t touch anything in this room”, the man said to the children.
The man ordered .................................................................................................................
12. John said to his friend, "Come and spend a week with us."
John told his friend .............................................................................................................
13. “I won’t be there because I’m having a meeting” said Carol.
Carol told us that she
14. “I’ve lost the map and I don’t know the way” said Daisy.
Daisy told me.
15. “What does “procrastinate” mean? I asked my teacher.
 I asked my teacher.
16. “Are you staying here all summer?” the little girl asked her mother
The little girl asked her mother.
17- “How much did you pay for your bike?” I asked Ellen
I asked Ellen.
18- He speaks more persuasively than his brother.
 His brother..
19. He doesn’t have the money and he cannot afford a new car. 
20. The match can be cancelled because it rains heavily.
21. I am poor; I can’t travel around the world. 
If	.
22. I am not a millionaire, I can’t help all people. 
If ..	
23. I am not old enough; I can’t decide my own life. 

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