Audio beehive monitoring based on IoT-Ai techniques: A survey and perspective


In beekeeping, monitoring beehives plays an important role in

making sure bee colonies stay healthy and in reducing negative

effects that could happen in the colonies. A large number of studies

have been carried out to improve the performance of monitoring

beehives from the traditional manual methods. Most importantly, the

application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in recent times

have led to significant effects in the monitoring process. These new

methods, however, have not yet been investigated or applied in

Vietnam. To understand the use of AI-based technologies in the

automatic monitoring of beehives, this paper provides a survey on

beehive monitoring systems based on audio data and AI techniques.

Opportunities and perspectives for the applications of these

techniques in audio-based monitoring beehive in Vietnam are also


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Audio beehive monitoring based on IoT-Ai techniques: A survey and perspective

Audio beehive monitoring based on IoT-Ai techniques: A survey and perspective
owski et al., 2018; Kulyukin et al., 2018). performances in speech recognition. A problem 
Moreover, the devices and sensors recording the that needs to be considered in using these 
bee sounds are reasonably priced and suitable for algorithms is how to build a bee sound dataset 
the conditions of production in Vietnam. large enough to train the classifying model. 
Therefore, these results can be applied to develop 
AI techniques-based systems for classifying Automatic identification of other important 
beehive states from bee sounds in bee farms in beehive states 
Vietnam. This will provide beekeepers with a The recognition of Varroa mites is just one 
continuous and autonomous analysis of their of several problems related to the recognition of 
beehives. The architecture of our proposed pest infestations based on audio data. After the 
approach is illustrated in Figure 2. study of Qandour et al. (2014), we could not find 
 any other studies related to this problem in the 
Exploring new AI algorithms for bee sound literature. That is to say, more research is needed 
analysis in this area. One could use other AI algorithms 
 We have found from reviewing the (as discussed in the previous subsection) or one 
 could combine sound data analyses with other 
references related to methods for monitoring 
 types of data like humidity and temperature 
beehives based on acoustic analyses in the 
 within a beehive to improve the performance of 
literature that most of these studies focused on 
 the monitoring process (Ferrari et al., 2008). The 
the problem of feature extraction from raw data. 
 system to collect these data would need to have a 
Although several AI algorithms, which are listed 
 simple design and low cost, consistent with the 
in Table 1, have been proposed to process the 
 production conditions in Vietnam. 
features from the extraction step, these 
algorithms were just some standard machine 
learning algorithms and some popular deep Conclusions 
learning algorithms. Many other AI algorithms An audio-based beehive monitoring system 
are well documented to have very good includes many components, ranging from 
performance in recognizing and classifying designing an IoT-based system to the use of 
audio data such as the Boltzmann machine feature extraction and AI algorithms. Among 
(Salakhutdinov & Hinton, 2009), deep recurrent them, the AI algorithms contribute significantly to 
neural networks (Phan et al., 2017), long short the performance and accuracy of the monitoring
 Figure 1. The architecture of audio-based beehive monitoring system 537 
Audio beehive monitoring based on IoT-AI techniques: a survey and perspective 
 Table 1. A list of AI algorithms with applications for audio-based beehive monitoring 
 Application Scenarios Feature Extraction References 
 Robles-Guerrero et al. 
 MFFCs, Chroma sfft, Mel spectrograms, and 
 Recognition of the bee queen’s (2017) 
 LR Tonnetz 
 absence Amlathe (2018) 
 MFFCs, temporal features, and DFT 
 Kulyukin et al. (2018) 
 MFFCs, Chroma sfft, Mel spectrograms, and 
 Tonnetz Amlathe (2018) 
 KNN Recognition of bee sounds 
 MFFCs, temporal features, and DFT Kulyukin et al. (2018) 
 MFFCs, Chroma sfft, Mel spectrograms, and 
 Tonnetz Amlathe (2018) 
 RF Recognition of bee sounds 
 MFFCs, temporal features, and DFT Kulyukin et al. (2018) 
 MFCCs Zganks (2018) 
 HMM Recognition of swarming 
 MFCCs and LPC Zganks (2019) 
 Recognition of swarming Short Frequency Spectra Bencsik (2007) 
 Recognition of pest infestations PF and STFT Qandour et al. (2014) 
 LDA Recognition of pest infestations PF and STFT Qandour et al. (2014) 
 Nolasco et al. (20 
 MFCCs, Mel spectrograms, and HHT Nolasco (2018) 
 Recognition of the bee queen’s LPC Nolasco & Benetos 
 absence MFFCs, Chroma sfft, Mel spectrograms, and (2018) 
 Recognition of the bee queen’s Tonnetz Cejrowski et al. (2018) 
 SVM absence MFFCs, temporal features, and DFT Amlathe (2018) 
 magnitudes Kulyukin et al. (2018) 
 Recognition of swarming MFCC and Mel spectrograms Nolasco & Benetos 
 Recognition of pest infestations LPC (2018) 
 PF and STFT Cejrowski et al. (2018) 
 Qandour et al. (2014) 
 MFCCs, Mel spectrograms, and HHT Nolasco et al. (2019) 
 Recognition of the bee queen’s 
 MFFCs, temporal features, and DFT Kulyukin et al. (2018) 
 CNN absence 
 Recognition of bee sounds Nolasco & Benetos 
 MFCCs, Mel spectrograms, and HHT (2018) 
 Recognition of the bee queen’s 
 SOM StockWell Transform Howard (2013) 
system. This paper has presented a survey on the The authors thank the anonymous referees 
AI techniques used in an audio-based beehive for their insightful and valuable suggestions 
monitoring system. Several opportunities for the which helped to improve the quality of the final 
applications of these advanced techniques to manuscript. 
monitoring beehives in Vietnam have been 
discussed. This is a promising topic worthy of 
being considered to contribute to improving the 
quality of monitoring honey bee colonies in Amlathe P. (2018). Standard machine learning techniques 
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