A ciphertext - Policy attribute-based searchable encryption scheme in non - interactive model
We address the problem of searching on encrypted data with expressive searching predicate and multi-writer/multi-reader, a cryptographic primitive which has many concrete application
scenarios such as cloud computing, email gateway application and so on. In this paper, we propose
a public-key encryption with keyword search scheme relied on the ciphertext-policy attribute-based
encryption scheme. In our system, we consider the model where a user can generate trapdoors by
himself/herself, we thus can remove the Trusted Trapdoor Generator which can save the resource and
communication overhead. We also investigate the problem of combination of a public key encryption
used to encrypt data and a public-key encryption with keyword search used to encrypt keywords,
which can save the storage of the whole system.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: A ciphertext - Policy attribute-based searchable encryption scheme in non - interactive model

returns yij to A. • Regarding the second type of query: A first sends Wi = (w˜i1 , . . . , w˜ik) and B(u) to simulator with the requirement that Wi doesn’t satisfy KF∗0 or KF∗1. To program each tds0,j , j ∈ [k], the simulator first checks whether w˜ij , j ∈ [k] has been queried before. If not, he/she chooses yij $← Zp and adds triple (w˜ij , gyij , yij ) into L. In both ways, simulator knows yij from L, and H(w˜ij ) = gyij since Wi doesn’t satisfy KF∗0 or KF∗1. Next, simulator first chooses su, rj $← Zp then computes tds0,j = g α′gasugarj (gλ)yij = gαgasugarj (gaH(w˜ij ))λ. Note that gα ′ = gα ′ · gaq+1 · g−aq+1 = gα · gaλ, since gλ = g−aq . Since simulator knows su, rj , j ∈ [k], he/she can easily computes the rest of the trapdoor for any set B(u). Finally, simulator returns tds to A. • Regarding the third type of query: A first sends Wi = (w˜i1 , . . . , w˜ik) and B(u) to simulator with the requirement that B(u) doesn’t satisfy β∗ and Wi “satisfies” KF∗0 or KF∗1. The simulator first finds a vector −→x = (x1, . . . , xn∗) ∈ Zn∗p such that x1 = −1 and for all i where ρ∗(i) ∈ B(u) the product 〈−→x ·M∗i 〉 = 0. The simulator continues to pick ζ $← Zp and implictly define the value su as su = ζ + x1a q + x2a q−1 + · · ·+ xn∗aq−n∗+1. The simulator computes du0 = g α′gaζ ∏ i=2,...,n∗ (ga q+1−i )xi = gα · ga·su ; d′u0 = gζ ∏ i=1,...,n∗ (ga q+1−i )xi = gsu . For j ∈ B(u) such that there is no i ∈ [`∗] satisfying ρ∗(i) = j. The simulator knows values zj and computes h su j = (g su)zj . For j ∈ B(u) such that there is an indice i ∈ [`∗] satisfying ρ∗(i) = j. The simulator computes hsuj = (g su)zj · g(ζ+x1aq+···+xn∗aq−n ∗+1)ωi ∑ k∈[n∗]M ∗ i,kta k . A CIPHERTEXT-POLICY ATTRIBUTE-BASED SEARCHABLE ENCRYPTION SCHEME 245 Note that the product 〈−→x ·M∗i 〉 = 0 thus the simulator doesn’t need to know the unknown term of form ga q+1t to compute hsuj , all other terms he/she knows from the assumption. Simulator simply sets gsu and {hsuj }j∈Bu as tds0 and {tdsi}i∈Bu , respectively. To program {tds0,j , tds1,j , {tds2,j,`}`∈Bu}j∈[k], the simulator consi- ders two cases: 1. w˜ij “satisfies” KF∗0 or KF∗1, that means there exists at least a triple (ij , b, b′) such that w˜ij = kf ∗ b,b′ . Simulator checks whether w˜ij has been queried before. If not, he/she chooses yij $← Zp and adds triple (w˜ij , g−agyij , yij ) into L. In both ways, simulator knows yij from L, and H(w˜ij ) = g−agyij . Next, simulator chooses rj $← Zp then computes tds0,j = g αgasugarj (g−a q )yij = gαgasugarj (gaH(w˜ij ))λ. Note that λ = −aq. With known rj , simulator can easily compute tds1,j , {tds2,j,`}`∈Bu . 2. w˜ij doesn’t “satisfy” KF∗0 or KF∗1. Simulator checks whether w˜ij has been queried before. If not, he/she chooses yij $← Zp and adds triple (w˜ij , gyij , yij ) into L. In both ways, simulator knows yij from L, and H(w˜ij ) = gyij . Next, simulator picks ζj $← Zp and implicitly defines the value rj as rj = ζj + x1a q + x2a q−1 + · · ·+ xn∗aq−n∗+1, then similarly computes gαgarj , grj , {h˜`rj}`∈Bu as above (note that rj now plays the role as su). He/she then sets g −rj , {h˜`−rj}`∈Bu as tds1,j , {tds2,j,`}`∈Bu respectively, and computes tds0,j = g αgasug−αg−arjgα ′ (g−a q )yij = gαgasug−arj (gaH(w˜ij ))λ. Note that gα = gα ′ ga q+1 and (gaH(w˜ij ))λ = g−a q+1 (g−aq)yij . Finally, simulator returns tds to A. • Regarding the fourth and fifth types of query: It is straightforward since the unknown value gα only appears in the tds0,j and du0 , therefore simulator can simply choose su, {rj}j∈[k] $← Zp and then computes tds, or choose su, $← Zp and then computes du. Challenge: The simulator picks a random bit b, computes C∗0 = gs and (C∗1 , . . . , C∗m) = I, (C˜∗1 , . . . , C˜∗m) = J , where I = ( gs(a+at)g ∑ i∈I1 szρ∗(i) , . . . , gs(a+at)g ∑ i∈Im szρ∗(i) ) = gs, (ga ∏ i∈β∗1 hi) s, . . . , (ga ∏ i∈β∗m hi) s , 246 VAN ANH TRINH, VIET CUONG TRINH J = ( gs(a+at)g ∑ i∈I1 sz˜ρ∗(i) , . . . , gs(a+at)g ∑ i∈Im sz˜ρ∗(i) ) = (ga ∏ i∈β∗1 h˜i) s, . . . , (ga ∏ i∈β∗m h˜i) s . To computes {K∗i }i∈[m′], simulator first checks whether kf∗b,i has been queried before. If not, he/she chooses yi $← Zp and adds triple (kf∗b,i, g−agyi , yi) into L. Otherwise, he/she finds (kf∗b,i, g −agyi , yi) from L. In both ways, simulator knows yi from L, and H(kf∗b,i) = g−agyi . He/she computes X∗i = T · e(gs, gα ′ ) · e(gs, (gλ)yi) = T · e(gs, gα′) · e(gλ, gaH(kf∗b,i))s then computes K∗i = H˜(X∗i , kf∗b,i). Finally, he/she outputs ct′∗ = (C∗0 , {C∗i }i∈[m], {C˜∗i }i∈[m], {K∗i }i∈[m′]). Note that if T = e(g, g)a q+1s then ct′∗ is in valid form. Query phase 2. Similar to phase 1. Guess: A gives his guess b′ to S, S will output its guess 0 corresponding to T = e(g, g)aq+1s if b′ = b; otherwise, S outputs its guess 1 corresponding to T is a random element. When T = e(g, g)a q+1s, S gives a perfect simulation so Pr [ S(~Y , T = e(g, g)aq+1s) = 0 ] = 1 2 + AdvISA . When T is a random element {K∗i }i∈[m′] are completely hidden from the A, so Pr[S(~Y , T = R) = 0] = 1 2 . As a result, S is able to play the Modified - BDHE game with non-negligible advantage (equal to AdvISA ) or S is able to break the security of Modified-BDHE assumption. Outsider Security. Outsider security is similar to the case of Insider Security, due to the space limitations we omit it here. 5. COMPARISON Regarding PEKS scheme supporting both expressive searching predicate and multi-writer /multi-reader, to our knowledge [6, 8, 9, 11, 14] are the best schemes to date. In these schemes, the authors in [9] proposed a PEKS schemes scheme with constant size of ciphertext, however their scheme only supports limited AND-gates access policy. The authors in [6, 8, 11, 14] managed to transform from existing KP-ABE or CP-ABE schemes to PEKS schemes, these schemes enjoy some interesting properties such as fast keyword search or outsourcing decryption or partially trapdoor security. Other properties such as fined-grain access policy, public key-size, ciphertext-size are similar to ones in our scheme, but our scheme has constant A CIPHERTEXT-POLICY ATTRIBUTE-BASED SEARCHABLE ENCRYPTION SCHEME 247 size of secret key while they haven’t, moreover our model is different to their model. We give in Fig 1 the comparison between our model and the model in [6, 8, 11, 14]. We can easily see from Fig 1 that there is no TTG in our model, user relies solely on his/her secret key to generate a trapdoor. In contrast, in their model, TTG takes charge of generating trapdoors and therefore should be always online. Compare to their model, our model has two following advantages: • There is no TTG in our model, we therefore can save the system resource and the communication overhead between user and TTG. • In our model, user uses his/her secret key to generate trapdoors, cloud server relies on such trapdoors to search corresponding ciphertexts, user therefore is able to decrypt all the resulted ciphertexts. In contrast, in their model, TTG takes charge of generating trapdoors and user’s secret key is not involved in this process, this leads to the fact that the resulted ciphertexts may contain ciphertexts for which the user cannot decrypt. We argue that our model is more useful in practice since it is waste time and communication overhead if user receives the ciphertexts for which he/she cannot decrypt. Cloud server Cloud server Trusted Trapdoor Generator Data owner User Encrypt documents and corresponding keywords 1.Trapdoor 2.Resulted ciphertexts Encrypt documents and corresponding keywords Data owner User 3.Trapdoor 4.Resulted ciphertexts 1.Trapdoor request 2.Trapdoor Figure 1. Our model on the left and their model on the right We also note that the scheme in [15] can deal with well the problem of trapdoor secu- rity, and moreover this scheme is very efficient in term of both communication and com- putation. However, this scheme is in the different type to our scheme since our scheme supports expressive searching while the scheme in [15] supports equality queries. Consi- der the example in [6], W = (w1, w2, w3) where w1 = “Diabetes ′′, w2 = “Age : 30′′ and w3 = “Weight : 150 − 200′′, user in our scheme can search for ciphertexts which has key- word either “Diabetes′′ or “Weight : 150− 200′′. While the user in the scheme in [15] must specify the keyword search is ”Diabetes” or “Weight : 150 − 200′′ and then receives only the ciphertext corresponding to the keyword search. For example, if the keyword search is “Diabetes′′, user only receives the ciphertext corresponding to “Diabetes′′. This is similar to the difference between traditional public key encryption and attribute-based encryption. 248 VAN ANH TRINH, VIET CUONG TRINH 6. CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose a CP-ABSE scheme which supports both expressive searching predicate and multi-writer/multi-readers. To our knowledge, our scheme has some interesting properties such as constant-size of secret key and in the non-interactive model. Our scheme will become very efficient when the number of combinations of keywords to which a user would like to search is small. Our scheme is therefore very suitable for a large class of applications in practice for which the aforementioned case falls into. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 102.01-2018.301. REFERENCES [1] M. R. Asghar, G. Russello, B. Crispo, and M. Ion, “Supporting complex queries and access policies for multi-user encrypted databases,” in Proceeding CCSW ’13 Proceedings of the 2013 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop, Berlin, Germany, November 4, 2013, pp 77–88. Doi 10.1145/2517488.2517492 [2] D. Boneh, G. Di Crescenzo, R. Ostrovsky, and G. Persiano, “Public key encryption with keyword search,” Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2004 International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2-6, 2004, pp 506–522. [3] D. Cash, S. Jarecki, C. S. Jutla, H. Krawczyk, M.-C. Rosu, and M. 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