2D parity product code for TSV online fault correction and detection

Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) is one of the most promising technologies to realize 3D Integrated Circuits (3D-ICs). However, the reliability issues due to the low yield rates and the sensitivity to thermal hotspots and stress issues are preventing TSV-based 3D-ICs from being widely and efficiently used. To enhance the reliability of TSV connections, using error correction code to detect and correct faults automatically has been demonstrated as a viable solution. This paper presents a 2D Parity Product Code (2D-PPC) for TSV fault-tolerance with the ability to correct one fault and detect, at least, two faults. In an implementation of 64-bit data and 81-bit code-word, 2D-PPC can detect over 71 faults, on average. Its encoder and decoder decrease the overall latency by 38.33% when compared to the Single Error Correction Double Error Detection code. In addition to the high detection rates, the encoder can detect 100% of its gate failures, and the decoder can detect and correct around 40% of its individual gate failures. The squared 2D-PPC could be extended using orthogonal Latin square to support extra bit correction

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: 2D parity product code for TSV online fault correction and detection

2D parity product code for TSV online fault correction and detection
ional Founda-
inserting faults in each gate of the design. Instead of
usesmall the number brute-force of gates simulation in both to encoder find out and the decoder, detection we tionThis forAcknowledgment Scienceresearch and is fundedTechnology byVietnam Development National (NAFOS- Founda-
usinguse the a brute-force Monte-Carlo simulation simulation to find as in out [44], the detection due to the tion for Science and Technology Development (NAFOS-
small number of gates in both encoder and decoder, we This research is funded by Vietnam National Founda-
use the brute-force simulation to find out the detection tion for Science and Technology Development (NAFOS-
coverage. In order to test the correctness of the encoder TED) under grant number 102.01-2018.312.
20 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1–2, January–June, 2020
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 ceived his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degree from (2019), Grenoble INP (2011, 2020), and adjunct
 VNU University of Engineering and Tech- professor at University of Technology Sydney
 nology, University of Paris-Sud XI, and The (2017-2020). He is currently Director for the VNU Key Laboratory
 University of Aizu, Japan in 2011, 2014, and for Smart Integrated Systems (SISLAB). His research interests include
 2017, respectively. Dr. Khanh N. Dang was design and test of systems-on-chips, networks-on-chips, design-for-
 visiting researcher at University of Aizu in testability, asynchronous/synchronous VLSI design, low power tech-
 2019. His research interests include System- niques, and hardware architectures for multimedia applications. He
on-Chips/Network-on-Chips, 3D-ICs, and fault-tolerant systems. has published more than 80 journal articles and conference papers
 in these areas and given invited talks as well as courses at several
 He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, IEEE Circuits and Systems
 (CAS), IEEE Solid-State Circuits and Systems (SSCS), member of
 Michael Meyer is currently an Assistant Pro- IEICE, and the Executive Board of the Radio Electronics Association
 fessor at Waseda University. He was previ- of Vietnam (REV). He serves as Chairman of IEICE Vietnam Section,
 ously a post-doctoral researcher at the Uni- Chairman of IEEE SSCS Vietnam Chapter.
 versity of Aizu in Fukushima, Japan, as a
 member of the Data Networking Laboratory.
 He graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute of
 Technology, in Indiana, USA, with a B.S. in
 Computer Engineering in 2012, and then with
 a M.A. in Engineering Management in 2013.
 In 2017 he received a Ph.D. in Comp. Sci.
 and Eng. from the University of Aizu. He has
worked for Texas Instruments before starting his Ph.D., and before
that he had worked for Syntheon developing biomedical devices.
His research interests cover on and off chip networks, reliability and

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