Protective behavior against Covid-19 among Vietnamese people in the social distancing campaign: A cross-sectional study
In the global fight against the rapid spread of COVID-19, a variety of unprecedented
preventive measures have been implemented across the globe, as well as in Vietnam. How
Vietnamese people respond to threats to their health and life remains unclear. For this
reason, the current study aims to examine Vietnamese people’s protective behavior and its
factors. Based on 1,798 online survey respondents’ data collected on the last three days of
the nationwide social distancing campaign in mid-April, it is found that gender, knowledge
of COVID-19 and preventive measures, and attitudes towards the COVID-19 prevention
policies are the three main factors of participants’ protective behaviors. We also find that
males are less likely than females to adopt precautionary measures. People who are
knowledgeable about COVID-19 may have inappropriate practices towards it. Further
research is needed to examine other determinants of protective behaviors to provide more
useful information for authorities, public health policy-makers, and healthcare workers to
deliver the best practices to control COVID-19 in our country.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Protective behavior against Covid-19 among Vietnamese people in the social distancing campaign: A cross-sectional study

ted in these policies is less than 50%. 5.3. The impact of attitudes toward government-issued policies on preventive behavior The results of the t-test analysis do not show any difference in preventive behaviors between people with high and low consent to government-issued policies (see Table 3). However, from the regression results, it is shown that people's attitude towards these policies plays an important role in having a good adoption of COVID-19 precautionary measures. This means that their good adoption is directly proportional to DALAT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES] 33 their supportive attitude towards the government's anti-epidemic policies. Therefore, to help Vietnamese people have better preventive behaviors, the government should take anti-epidemic policies and their reasonableness into consideration. The results in Table 4 also indicate the importance of people's attitudes towards social distancing policies. In essence, social distancing policies have been playing an important role in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in all nations. For example, the growth rate of new cases and deaths from COVID-19 in China and Iran has significantly decreased after the implementation of social distancing (Ghanbari et al., 2020; Shen, 2020). In Vietnam, there were 268 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and zero fatalities as of April 16th (Báo Dân Trí, 2020; Báo Tuổi Trẻ, 2020a). Vietnam has been a low-risk area compared to other countries in the same geographic region (e.g., 83,745 cases in China, 10,591 cases in South Korea, 8,100 cases in Japan, 5,223 cases in the Philippines, etc.) (World Health Organization, 2020b). It can be seen that these policies and their reasonableness have been creating a base for building an enormous number of young Vietnamese students’ trust in winning the battle against COVID-19, which is considered a strong foundation to help students have good preventive behaviors. 6. CONCLUSION In summary, this cross-sectional study explores the general situation of Vietnamese students’ preventive behaviors during the social distancing campaign in the middle of April and indicates several factors associated with their behaviors. It is believed that the consensus between the government and the people can repel any danger, no matter how demanding it is. However, this cross-sectional online survey was conducted based on a convenience sample that was over-representative of female students. Future research should use a more representative and systematic sampling method to improve the generality of the results. For instance, we should pay more attention to the groups that are vulnerable to the disease, such as unskilled workers and the elderly. Furthermore, our data collection instrument is a self-reported questionnaire. It is possible that participants respond in a positive way to satisfy what they perceive to be expected of them. 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