Information leakage through electromagnetic radiation of ps/2 keyboard

Bàn phím máy tính thường được sử

dụng để nhập dữ liệu đầu vào cho một hệ thống

máy tính, các dữ liệu có thể là văn bản thông

thường hoặc thông tin cần được bảo mật như mật

khẩu hay khóa. Bàn phím sử dụng các linh kiện

điện tử, vì thế chúng sẽ gây ra bức xạ điện từ dẫn

đến lộ lọt các thông tin khi gõ phím. Bài báo này

trình bày về việc thu các tín hiệu bức xạ điện từ

phát ra từ bàn phím PS/2 khi gõ phím qua các con

đường khác nhau (nhiễu bức xạ trong không gian,

nhiễu dẫn trên đường nguồn, qua mạng LAN). Từ

đó, nghiên cứu xây dựng một module chương trình

trên MATLAB để khôi phục lại tín hiệu gõ phím từ

các dữ liệu thu được trong trường gần của bàn

phím. Kết quả của cách tấn công trên kênh kề này

là khôi phục trung bình được hơn 70% ký tự được

gõ trong trường gần của bàn phím PS/2. Trường

hợp tốt nhất kết quả có thể lên đến hơn 90% ký tự

được gõ. Từ kết quả nghiên cứu trên, nhóm nghiên

cứu rút ra kết luận, các loại bàn phím1

1 This manuscript is received June 14, 2019. It is

commented on June 17, 2019 and is accepted on June 24,

2019 by the first reviewer. It is commented on June 16, 2019

and is accepted on June 25, 2019 by the second reviewer.

PS/2 đều phát ra các bức xạ điện từ gây mất mát

thông tin và không an toàn để sử dụng khi nhập các

thông tin cần được bảo mật.

Information leakage through electromagnetic radiation of ps/2 keyboard trang 1

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Information leakage through electromagnetic radiation of ps/2 keyboard trang 2

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Information leakage through electromagnetic radiation of ps/2 keyboard

Information leakage through electromagnetic radiation of ps/2 keyboard
. But even when a collision 
signal depends on the scancode of pressed key, occurs, the falling edge technique also limited 
so it is possible to accurately identify 11 falling the set of possible pressed key. For example, if 
 a password includes 8 letters, the number of 
edges with equal spacing of the Clock signal 8 37
and the falling edge of Data signal in the possible passwords is 26 ~ 2 . With the falling 
obtained signal (Fig.5). edge technique, the biggest number of possible 
 passwords is 68 ~ 220 when the letters in the 
 password belong to a group of 6 letters ("b", 
 "d", "h", "j", "m", "x"), but in reality, this case 
 rarely happens. Thus, the average result is only 
 about 210, much lower than the 237. 
 B. Keystroke signal recovery program for 
 electromagnetic radiation of keyboard 
 Based on the falling edge technique mentioned 
 above and analysed characteristics of scancode 
 Fig.5. Data signal, Clock signal and radiated signal of PS/2 such as the first bit is bit 0 (start), the last bit is bit 1 
 keyboard when key E is pressed [8] (stop), bit 1 always has a larger amplitude than the 
 bit 0... we built a program on MATLAB to recover 
 When key E is pressed in Fig.5, we can 
 the keystroke signal from obtained electromagnetic 
clearly distinguish 11 falling edges of the Clock 
 radiations of the PS/2 keyboard with the block 
signal and 3 falling edges of the Data signal. 
 diagram of the acquisition and recovery process is 
Assuming the definition of falling edge trace as 
 shown in Fig.6. 
“2” when there are radiated peaks of Data and 
 No 2.CS (10) 2019 55 
Journal of Science and Technology on Information security 
 3. The program will wait until the receiver 
 completes the settings and send a notification to 
 4. When the receiver is ready, the program 
 will send a request to start measuring and wait 
 for the receiver to respond. 
 5. When the receiver has completed a 
 measurement, a notification will be sent and 
 computer will read the measurement data in the 
 Fig.6. Diagram of capture and recover keystrokes process receiver memory. 
 6. When data is available, the program will 
 The process of capturing and recovery 
 perform analysis and display the result on the 
 keystroke includes following steps: 
 First, use the antenna system or probe 7. After completing the data analysis, the 
 with appropriate sensitivity and in program can continue measuring (go back to 
 combination with the spectrum analyzer to step 4) or stop. 
 capture radiated signal of keyboard. 
 Then, collected data will be saved and 
 transmitted to the computer for processing. 
 MATLAB program for recovery keystroke 
 will read data file in fixed-length frame. Use 
 threshold to eliminate noise and find data 
 locations that contain pressed keys. 
 Locate the falling edge and arrange the 
 detected keys into groups of keys (see 
 Table 1). 
 Use the characteristics of the keyboard 
 scancode (bit 1 or bit 0) to convert 
 keystroke data to scancode. 
 Compare the transferred scancode with 
 the keyboard's scancode library to 
 determine the keystroke and print out the 
 The algorithm flowchart of capturing and 
recovery keystrokes process is shown in Fig.7. 
 Flowchart in Fig.7 includes the following 
 1. Initiate the connection between the 
computer and the receiver via LAN cable. 
 2. Set up the necessary parameters of the 
 Center frequency. 
 Sample rate. 
 Time of acquisition. 
 Fig.7. Algorithm flowchart of capturing and restoring 
 Trigger. keystrokes process 
56 No 2.CS (10) 2019 
 Nghiên cứu Khoa học và Công nghệ trong lĩnh vực An toàn thông tin 
 Note that the time of acquisition or the 
number of samples collected per frame must be 
large enough to contain all pulses of a 
keystroke. In order to minimize the amount of 
redundant data collected, the collection method 
only focuses on data frames that contain 
keystroke by using trigger. In principle, the 
clock is always high when there is no data 
transmitted between the keyboard and the 
computer, so the first clock pulse is always 
changing the state from 1 to 0, which means 
appearing a falling edge. Based on the above 
rule, the program selects trigger so that 
receiver starts from the first clock pulse of 
keystroke pulse sequence. 
 The algorithm flowchart of analyzing 
obtained data process in Fig.8. 
 Flowchart in Fig.8 includes the following 
 Step 1. From receiver memory, the 
program checks to see if there is enough data 
for analysis. If not, exit program or else, 
analysis will be executed. 
 Step 2. From the data block, read out N 
data samples. N is defined so that it can 
contain no more than 1 pulse of clock. 
 Step 3. Find falling edge in those N data 
samples (radiated impulse detection). If not, 
go back to step 1 and read the next N data 
samples, if there is a falling edge then go to Fig.8. Algorithm flowchart of analyzing radiatied signal 
step 4. process 
 Step 4. When appearing a falling edge, the V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 
program will read the next N1 samples, N1 The experiments capture radiated signal as 
will include the entire data of a keystroke. described in Part III with 4 different cases. The 
N1 is determined based on the keyboard’s results are shown in Fig.9 to Fig.12. 
clock frequency and the receiver sample rate. 
 Step 5. Find the remaining falling edges 
positions in the N1 samples. 
 Step 6. Based on the searching results for 
the position of falling edges, divide the 
keystroke into the key group according to 
Table 1 for falling edge traces. 
 Step 7. Based on the characteristics of the 
keyboard scancode to recover scancode of 
the keystroke. 
 Step 8. Compare the scancode results Fig.9. Radiated signal of key A is captured in near field 
with the scancode library and display the 
results on the screen. Then go back to Step 1. 
 No 2.CS (10) 2019 57 
Journal of Science and Technology on Information security 
 15dB higher than the background noise, in 
 addition the background noise is irregular, so 
 restoring the keystroke signal is more 
 complicated in near field. Our program is 
 currently experimenting with the results of 
 obtained signal in near field. 
 The obtained data in near field is processed 
 in program presented in Part IV to perform 
 recovery keystroke. The results are shown in 
 Fig.13 with the keystroke sequence of "vien 
 Fig.10. Radiated signal of key H is captured in far field khoa hoc cong nghe mat ma". This example 
 results in a true 26/30 keystroke ~ 86,67%. 
 Fig.11. Radiated signal of key A is captured through the Fig.13. Results of running program 
 power line 
 Based on a number of tests, as shown in 
 Table 2, the results show that the program can 
 recover averaged more than 70% of keystrokes. 
 In the best cases of background noise as well as 
 amplitude of the radiated signal, the result can 
 up to 90% of keystrokes. With the case of 
 Vietnamese typing with Vietkey or Unikey, the 
 signal transmitted from the keyboard to the 
 computer remains the same. Therefore, we can 
 still recover the original text. From the above 
 Fig.12. Radiated signal of key A is captured over LAN test results, it can be confirmed that PS/2 
 cable keyboards have a high risk of leaking 
 information, that can cause the loss of important 
 The above test results show that the PS/2 
 data and unsuitable for high security systems. 
keyboard emits electromagnetic radiations and 
these radiated signals can be obtained in TABLE 2. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF RECOVERY 
different cases such as in far field, near field, KEYSTROKE 
conducted disturbance through power line and Keystroke Recovered Tỷ lệ 
over LAN cable. Test cases have been keystroke 
successful on different PS/2 keyboards with abcdefghijklmn amchefghijilmn 11/14 
different radiation amplitude and the scancode ~ 79% 
pattern does not change. The radiated frequency conghoaxahoi conghoaxahoi 12/12 
range of PS/2 keyboards is from 20MHz to ~ 100% 
300MHz. In particular, the amplitude of vienkhcnmm vienkhcnmm 10/10 
radiation when receiving in near field is 20- ~ 100% 
30dB higher than the background noise and can cong hoa xa hoi cong hoa xa joi 26/31 
clearly distinguish the signal pulses (bit 1 and chu nghia viet nam nhurnghiarvigt nam ~ 84% 
0), making the recovery process easier. For the vien khoa hoc cong vienrkboa joc 23/30 
remaining cases, the radiation amplitude is 10- nghe mat ma nongrnehe mat ja ~ 76% 
58 No 2.CS (10) 2019 
 Nghiên cứu Khoa học và Công nghệ trong lĩnh vực An toàn thông tin 
 hello good morning hgllo gooh morning 16/18 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 
 ~ 89% This work was supported by Institute of 
 bùi đức chính buif jhuwcs nhinbs 14/18 Cryptographic Science and Technology, 
 ~78% Viet Nam. 
 demo thu ban phim dgmo thu ban phim 22/23 REFERENCES 
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system with patches. Therefore, for a high 
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electromagnetic radiation leakage should be 
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well as applying some techniques to reduce 
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 No 2.CS (10) 2019 59 
Journal of Science and Technology on Information security 
 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ngoc Vinh Hao Nguyen 
 M.Sc. Duc Chinh Bui Workplace: Institute of 
 Workplace: Institute of Cryptographic Science and 
 Cryptographic Science and Technology, Vietnam Government 
 Technology, Vietnam Government Information Security Commission. 
 Information Security Commission. Email: 
 Email: Education: Received the Degree of 
 Education: Received the Degree of Engineer and Master in Aerospace 
 Engineer in Electronics and Radio-Electronic System from 
 Telecommunication Engineering in Karkov Aviation University, Ukraine, in 2013 and 
2013 and the Degree of Master of Enginerring in 2015 respectively. 
Electronics Engineering in 2016 from the School of Research today: Field of electromagnetic compatibility. 
Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University Currently, he is working on cryptography analysis 
of Science and Technology, Vietnam. through side channels. 
Research today: Field of electromagnetic compatibility, 
include solutions to ensure EMC for electronic devices 
and exploit information leakage through side channels. 
 M.Sc. Manh Tuan Pham 
 Workplace: 129 Company Limited, 
 M.Sc. The Minh Ngo Vietnam Government Information 
 Workplace: Institute of Cryptographic Security Commission. 
 Science and Technology, Vietnam Email: 
 Government Information Security 
 Education: Received the Degree of 
 Engineer from Posts and 
 Email: Telecommunications Institute of 
 Education: Received the Degree of Technology, Vietnam, in 2003. 
Engineer from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Received the Degree of Master from Military Technical 
Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Academy, Vietnam, in 2008. Received the Degree of 
Economics, Hungary, in 1987. Received the Degree of Doctor of Physolophy from Posts and 
Master of Engineering from Academy of Cryptography Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam, 
Techniques, Vietnam, in 2005. in 2017. 
Research today: Field of electromagnetic compatibility, Research today: design and implement cryptographic 
include solutions to ensure EMC for electronic devices algorithms on hardware; overall study of security 
and research about EMC standards. solutions for voice and video data on different media 
60 No 2.CS (10) 2019 

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