Improving operational efficiency of grids by integrating geographic maps in scada system: Danang study case

The continuous development of the present-day smartgrid technology is

required to improve the operational efficiency of the power system. Energy management

system (EMS) technology solutions, including Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

(SCADA) and Distribution Management System (DMS), must be constantly developed in

terms of application range and efficiency to meet the mentioned requirements. The

article proposes a technique to integrate Google Earth geographic map into the SCADA

system. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated through PSS/ADEPT

software. The results show that the proposed solution contributes to improving the

reliability of the grid and improving the efficiency of customer care service as well as

training of junior dispatchers.

Improving operational efficiency of grids by integrating geographic maps in scada system: Danang study case trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Improving operational efficiency of grids by integrating geographic maps in scada system: Danang study case

Improving operational efficiency of grids by integrating geographic maps in scada system: Danang study case
 Creating RTU: RTUs in Survalent corresponds to physical devices containing the actual 
data variables. Each RTU here represents an element on the actual grid connected directly to 
the Communication Line. 
After setting process in STC Explorer, the single-line diagram of the power system can be 
initialized in figure 1. 
Figure 1. Single-line diagram of a power grid in Survalent. 
2.2. Google Earth 
Google Earth is a popular, open-source global geographic simulation program developed by 
Google. Google Earth is not a GIS with extensive analysis capabilities of ArcGIS or MapInfo 
[13-15], however it is easier to use and access than other software packages. This software is 
suitable for building transmission lines’ map in a city. 
Figure 2. Interface of EVNCPC TTHT software. 
EVNCPC TTHT is a software application collecting, looking up, editing and adding scene 
information. The interface of the software is shown in figure 2. The software EVNCPC TTHT 
can create communication channels with other sub-software to collect the following information: 
Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ 
 Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 71, 02 - 2021 19 
 PMIS software: Information of utility poles, lines and devices on the power grid. 
 CMIS software: Information of customers and measurement. 
 INCEU software: Information of electricity trading and meters’ data via radio waves. 
 Spider-GIS software: Informing customers about equipment information, meters’ indicators 
and measurement points. 
 Cable monitoring application: Information and figures of cables. 
3.1. Data Import Process from EVNCPC TTHT to Google Earth 
First of all, the standardization and synchronization of the data must be carried out before 
integrating or embedding a software into another platform. Information of devices and utility 
poles from EVNCPC TTHT will be exported in popular data management file formats, typically 
Excel. Collected data from the Excel file will be standardized according to the requirements 
shown in table 1. After that, the standardized data will be converted to “.kml” file format and 
included in Google Earth (coordinates, name, description and line characteristics). Furthermore, 
operators can edit the position of lines, poles in reality. 
Table 1. Requirement of standardized data from Excel integrated into Google Earth. 
Column Name in Excel Function description 
Latitude Latitude of the pole in the WGS 84 coordinate system. 
Longitude Longitude of the pole in the WGS 84 coordinate system. 
Name Name of the pole displayed on Google Earth. 
Description Pole information displayed in the Google Earth. 
Icon Icon of utility poles. 
Icon Scale The scale of the icon displayed on Google Earth. 
IconAltitude Altitude of the icon. 
IconLineColor Color of the icon. 
HideNameUntilMouseOver Display options when the mouse on the icon. 
LineStringColor Color of the power lines. 
3.2. Solution of Combinating Survalent Software and Google Earth 
Figure 3. Diagram of a feeder in the grid when integrating Google Earth into Survalent. 
Kỹ thuật điều khiển & Điện tử 
 20 N. H. Nhan, T. T. Vinh, D. M. Quan, “Improving operational efficiency  DaNang study case.” 
In this section, the data will be send to the database at the Control Center for further 
processing. In Survalent's HMI SmartVU, variable attributes are exploited for data configuration 
and building PMacro fields linked with each device. Then, the PMacro icon containing the link 
will be placed at the previously created Google Earth file path corresponding to the location of 
the device on the line. The information about location, status of the device will be provided when 
click on PMacro icon. At the end, the diagram of the grid can be displayed and adjusted on 
Google Earth platform as shown in figure 3. 
4.1. Calculation of negative sequence over-current protection function (F46N) 
In this section, the authors have researched on the negative sequence over-current protection 
problem to a feeder of the 22kV DaNang distribution grid shown in figure 4. 
The pick-up current setting for the SEL-751 relay on circuit breaker 476-E14 is calculated as 
I k
where: maxI is maximum load current, puk is pick-up coefficient, csk is current setting 
Circuit Breaker
Recloser 473
Le Tan Trung
Recloser 472
Ho Nuoc Xanh
Recloser 475
Bai Bac
An Don
457A 109A 45A 20A
Figure 4. Diagram of feeder 476-E14. 
The parameters chosen for calculating: max 457(A)I , 1.2puk , 0.98csk . Thus, the relay 
pick-up current will be: 
0.08 457
1.2 44.7(A)
The ratio of connected current transformer is selected by 600/1. Consequently, the value of 
secondary current is: 44.7/600 = 0.0745 (A). The actual value is set to 0.08A (due to step value is 
0.01-0.02). Accordingly, the pick-up current value is recalculated as: 
2 0.08 600 48(A)
Checking the sensitivity of the relay: 
0.5 0.5 457
4.76 1.2
sensitivity s
 (satisfied sensitivity condition) 
In case of the unbalanced load, with the 10% deviation of load current, parameters are given 
in table 2. 
Table 2. Parameters of 10% unbalanced load current. 
 Ia Ib Ic I0 I2 I1 
Current (A) 457 458 410.3 15.74 15.74 441.77 
Phase (
) 0 -120 120 -61.05 61.05 0.00 
Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ 
 Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 71, 02 - 2021 21 
The unbalanced current in the relays is calculated as follows [16]: 
( )
A B CI I I I (2) 
( )
A B CI I aI a I (3) 
( )
A B CI I a I aI (4) 
where: 0I , 1I and 2I are zero-, positive- and negative-sequence current respectively; AI , BI 
and CI are phase A, phase B and phase C current respectively; 
o1 120a  is a rotation operator. 
The results show that with a 10% deviation from the load current, 2 15.74(A)I is much 
smaller than 2 48(A)
I , so the calculated value is suitable. Setting-up time of definite-time 
characteristic is chosen as 4.5(s)t . 
The other reclosers in the feeder will be calculated as the same method. After calculating for 
the remaining reclosers, calculation results are summarized in figure 5. 
Figure 5. T-I curve of negative-sequence over-current protection. 
4.2. Reliability and efficiency indices calculation 
The reliability and efficiency of the grid will be evaluated using the System Average 
Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index 
(CAIDI) [17]. These two indices are calculated by PSS/ADEPT software, expressed through (5) 
and (6) as below: 
i i
i i
i i
Kỹ thuật điều khiển & Điện tử 
 22 N. H. Nhan, T. T. Vinh, D. M. Quan, “Improving operational efficiency  DaNang study case.” 
where: iU is the annual outage time at location i , iN is the number of customers at location 
i , TN is the total number of customers served, i is the failure rate of devices. 
Based on the information collected from the database of SCADA server, the parameters i 
and iU will be calculated and statistics for each location i according to (7) and (8): 
Number of faults
Totalnumber of devices
i (7) 
 i i iU r  (8) 
where: ir is the average outage time in each power failure for each customer. 
Based on the figures of failure intensity and the average repair time, the results of indices 
calculation are summarized in table 3. 
Table 3. Comparison of grid reliability before and after the solution. 
Area Name 
No. of 
SAIDI (minute/customer/year) 
Before After Reduction ratio (%) 
473 Le Tan Trung 14213 507 330 34.9% 
472 Ho Nuoc Xanh 4384 335 198 40.8% 
475 Bai Bac 3954 301 176 41.5% 
Area Name 
No. of 
CAIDI (minute/customer/year) 
Before After Reduction ratio (%) 
473 Le Tan Trung 14213 34.8 22.2 36.2% 
472 Ho Nuoc Xanh 4384 44.07 25.8 41.4% 
475 Bai Bac 3954 47.24 27.3 42.2% 
Without this solution, the indices SAIDI and CAIDI would be higher every year, which leads 
to the decrease of operational efficiency and profit. However, when the proposed solution is 
applied, the calculation results of SAIDI and CAIDI are much lower and the reduction rate is 
very high, from 34% to 42% as shown in table 3. 
The solution of combining geographic maps and SCADA systems provided power control 
centers with an intuitive and useful tool, which will meet the needs of determining specific 
locations, line directions, equipment on geographic map platform. SAIDI and CAIDI technical 
indices in the grid have been calculated to show the efficiency of the solution. From there, 
improving the operational efficiency of the power grid and grid reliability is really practicable, 
especially in the process of building smart power grids. In addition, this solution can improve 
customer care service in power companies and at the same time, applied in the training of new 
and junior dispatchers. 
Acknowledgment: This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and 
Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 102.02-2020.07. 
EMS Energy Management System 
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 
GIS Geographic Information System 
ADMS Advanced Distribution Management Systems 
Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ 
 Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 71, 02 - 2021 23 
STC StationCentral 
HMI Human-Machine Interface 
RTU Remote Terminal Units 
PMIS Power network Management Information System 
CMIS Customer Management Information System 
INCEU IN Control of Electricity User 
LBS Load Break Switch 
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index 
CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration Index 
WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984 
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Sự phát triển không ngừng của công nghệ lưới điện thông minh ngày nay là nhu cầu 
thiết yếu để nâng cao hiệu quả vận hành của hệ thống điện. Các giải pháp công nghệ về 
hệ thống quản lý năng lượng (EMS), bao gồm Hệ thống Điều khiển giám sát và thu thập 
dữ liệu (SCADA) và Hệ thống Quản lý Phân phối (DMS), phải được phát triển liên tục về 
phạm vi ứng dụng và hiệu suất để đáp ứng các yêu cầu nêu trên. Bài báo đề xuất giải 
pháp tích hợp bản đồ địa lý Google Earth vào hệ thống SCADA trong vận hành hệ thống 
điện. Hiệu quả của giải pháp đề xuất được đánh giá thông qua phần mềm PSS/ADEPT. 
Kết quả cho thấy giải pháp đề xuất góp phần nâng cao độ tin cậy của lưới điện và nâng 
cao hiệu quả dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng cũng như đào tạo điều độ viên cơ sở. 
Từ khóa: Lưới điện thông minh, Hệ thống SCADA, Bản đồ địa lý, Độ tin cậy, Điều độ hệ thống điện. 
Received 26
October 2020 
Revised 06
December 2020 
Published 05
 February 2021 
Author affiliations: 
Da Nang Power Company, Ltd - Load Dispatch Division; 
The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology. 
Corresponding author: . 

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