Efficient CNN - Based profiled side channel attacks

Profiled side-channel attacks are now considered as a powerful form of side channel

attacks used to break the security of cryptographic devices. A recent line of research has investigated

a new profiled attack based on deep learning and many of them have used convolution neural network

(CNN) as deep learning architecture for the attack. The effectiveness of the attack is greatly influenced

by the CNN architecture. However, the CNN architecture used for current profiled attacks have often

been based on image recognition fields, and choosing the right CNN architectures and parameters for

adaption to profiled attacks is still challenging. In this paper, we propose an efficient profiled attack

for unprotected and masking-protected cryptographic devices based on two CNN architectures, called

CNNn, CNNd respectively. Both of CNN architecture parameters proposed in this paper are based

on the property of points of interest on the power trace and further determined by the Grey Wolf

Optimization (GWO) algorithm. To verify the proposed attacks, experiments were performed on a

trace set collected from an Atmega8515 smart card when it performs AES-128 encryption, a DPA

contest v4 dataset and the ASCAD public dataset.

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Efficient CNN - Based profiled side channel attacks
currently considered state-of-the-art results
described by Zaid et al. The results of using 4000 traces in the optimization phase to find
the parameters for CNNn are shown in Table 4. The CNNn with the parameters given in
Table 3 is trained with the 4,000-trace dataset above and then used in the attack phase
to find the correct key. The estimated probability of the keys given by Figure 12 shows
that the correct key value is 130 with the first byte of the key used in AES-128 having the
highest estimated probability. The large distinction between the estimated probability of
the correct key and the estimated probability of the other keys reflects this dataset being
easy to attack. This result is consistent with the claims made in [22]. Table 4 compares the
effectiveness of the proposed method with that of Zaid. The GE values obtained by attacks
using both methods are shown in Figure 13. Our CNNn architecture is more effective in
terms of the number of traces required for GE to reach 0. Our method requires only 2 traces
to reach 0 while Zaid’s method requires 7 traces. This result demonstrates that our CNNn
architecture can learn POIs from power traces more precisely than the CNN architecture
proposed by Zaid. However, the number of trainable parameters and the training time is
more for CNNn than the proposed method of Zaid. Neither of these CNN architectures is
too complicated, but they do have good offensive results. Therefore, for unprotected devices,
the CNN architecture does not need to be very complicated; only one convolution layer with
a small number of kernels and a small kernel size and one FC layer containing relatively few
neurons is needed.
 In this section, we present two experiments of profiled attacks on unprotected devices
using our dataset and the DPAContestV4 dataset. Both of them use the same CNN ar-
chitecture. Although, according to the theorem “No Free Lunch” [21], there is no optimal
architecture for all problems, according to the analysis as well as the experimental results
with the two datasets, the CNNn architecture with the parameters given in Table 5 should
be used for profiling with unprotected devices.
 Correct key:130
 1000 Our proposed CNNn 
 2000 20 Zaid proposed CNN
 5000 10
 Probability (Log)
 8000 0
 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
 All hypothetical keys Number of traces
 Figure 12. Estimation probability of all Figure 13. Guessing entropy results
 hypothetical keys with Dataset2 for Dataset2
 Table 3. CNNn parameters selected by GWO with Dataset2
 Parameter Input values of GWO Value after GWO
 Number of kernels:γ1 1:10 4
 Kernel size:γ2 1:10 3
 Number of neurons in FC (n) 1:50 10
 Table 4. Comparison of performance on Dataset2
 Template Attack [22] Zaid et al. method [13] Our proposal
 Trainable parameters \ 8.782 8.858
 Number of traces for GE=0 3 7 2
 Training time (s) \ 103 158
 Table 5. Optimal parameters of CNNn for unprotected devices
 Layer Parameter
 One layer, Activation function SeLU
 CONV Number of kernels γ1 = 4
 Kernel size γ2 = 3
 Batch Normalization \
 Pooling size = 2;
 Stride = 2
 Flatten \
 Number of layers =1
 Fully Connected
 Number of neurons δ1 = 10
 Output 256 neurons, softmax activation
4.5. Results on masking - protected device
 The experiment in this section uses the DataSet3 dataset, which is divided into 3 parts:
45000 traces for training, 5000 traces for validation, and 10000 traces for the attack. The
training and validation data are used by the GWO optimization algorithm to find optimal
parameters for the CNNd architecture. The basic CNN architecture used in the experiments
in this section is the CNNd proposed in Section 3.4.
 The parameters optimized for CNNd given in Table 6 are generated by the GWO algo-
rithm. Next, CNNd is trained to create a model for data traces. The probabilities of the
256 hypothetical keys estimated in the attack phase are presented in Figure 14, and it is
apparent that the maximum probability value corresponds to that of key 224, which is the
actual AES-128 key used. Although the probability difference between the right and wrong
keys is not substantial, as Figure 15 shows, when the number of attack traces is increased,
the probabilities of the wrong keys remain the same, while that of the correct key signifi-
cantly increases. Table 7 compares the efficiency of the proposed method to that of Zaid
[13] and Prouff [12]. The GE value obtained by attacking using both methods is shown in
Figure 16. The CNNd method proposed by us is more effective in terms of the number of
traces required to achieve a GE of 0. Our method requires about 183 traces to reach GE = 0
while Zaid’s method requires 195 traces, which represents an approximately 5% reduction.
This result demonstrates that our CNNn architecture can learn POIs from the power traces
of masked devices more precisely than the CNN architectures proposed by either Zaid or
Prouff. However, the number of trainable parameters and the training time of the proposed
CNN are larger than those of the method proposed by Zaid yet much smaller than those of
the method proposed by Prouff. This can be explained by the architecture of CNNd being
more complex than that the architecture used by Zaid yet much simpler than that used by
 Figure 14. Estimation probability of all hypothetical keys with Dataset3
 Table 6. CNNd parameters selected by GWO with Dataset3
 Parameter Input values of GWO Value after GWO
 Number of kernels: γ1 1-10 4
 Kernel size: γ2 1-10 3
 Batch Normalization \ \
 Pooling size 2 2
 Stride 2 2
 Number of kernels: γ3 1-20 8
 Kernel size: γ4 20-100 51
 Batch Normalization \ \
 Pooling size 2 2
 Stride 2 2
 Flatten \ \
 Fully Connected
 Number of FCs: δ1 1-3 2
 Number of neurons/FC: δ2 1-50 10
 256 neurons
 Activation function: Softmax
 Figure 15. Estimation probability of all hypothetical keys
 against number of traces with Dataset3
 Figure 16. Guessing entropy results for Dataset3
 Table 7. Comparison of performance on DataSet3
 Template Attack CNN Profiled attack CNN proposed CNN proposed
 [12] [12] by Zaid [13] by us
 \ 66.652.444 16.960 26.334
 Number of traces
 450 1.146 195 183
 for GE=0
 Training time
 \ 5417 253 790
 In this paper, we have demonstrated that deep learning can be successfully applied to
profiled attacks on cryptographic devices. By analyzing the POIs characteristics of power
traces and convolution operations, we have proposed two basic CNN architectures, CNNn
and CNNd, used for unprotected and masking-protected devices, respectively. The param-
eters of the proposed basic CNN architecture are optimized by the GWO algorithm. Our
CNNn architecture has minimal complexity, and requires only 2 to 4 traces, to reveal the cor-
rect key of unprotected devices. After experimenting successfully on both trace datasets, we
claim that CNNn should be the first choice when conducting profiled attacks on unprotected
devices. Regarding attacking masking-protected devices, although the architecture of CNNd
has one more convolution layer than the CNN architecture of Zaid, it gives better results,
specifically a 5% decrease in the number of traces required for GE to equal 0. Therefore,
both CNN architectures should be used with the protected device. As a final note, CNN
can be used to conduct profiled attacks efficiently assuming its architecture and parameters
have been carefully selected.
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