Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan

Development and performance analysis of smart street lighting control system based using Led

lamp and Lora Wireless communication is presented in this paper. Smart street lamps have been

developed for over several years. These technologies have played an important role in urban safety,

energy conservation. Currently, traditional street lights are automatically turned on or off based on

timer or day/night sensor. LEDs are now the standard replacement for legacy lighting in most

cities around the world. At the same time, smart controls are becoming more mainstream and

are increasingly installed alongside LED deployments. Recently, the conventional light sources are

replaced by Led, which have so many advantages such as: energy savings, long lifetime, high reliability, pure light color, fast response, and friendliness to the environment. Furthermore, the intensity

of the LED can be controlled easily. In this paper, the smart lighting system is designed to control

and monitor devices via wireless transmission frequencies below 1 GHz based on LoRa Network.

The system will include many types of devices connected to each other by a gateway. The transmit

distance is about 2km in the urban area and up to 5km in rural area. The proposed smart street

public lighting provides three modes: Automatic mode, Remote control mode, Connection disconnection mode, Manual direct operation mode. The smart lighting system has been built at Ho

Chi Minh City University of Technology to meet the standards for data transmission. Some experimental results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed system.

Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan trang 1

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Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan trang 2

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Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan trang 9

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Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan

Development and performance analysis of intelligent street lighting for smart cities using LoRa Wan
 driver can be controlled based on
control the second stage. Therefore, the luminaire of
the LED can be adjusted. The nominal power of LED
driver from 70W to 250W.
Stage II: Gateway as shown in Figure 5. The function
of gateway is to measure and monitor the electrical
parameter, lighting status, fault detection or remote
Stage III: Control center and data management as
shown in Figure 6: the main parts of this stage are in-
cluding server system, central management software.
Remotemanagement software collects and stores data
securely and enables real-time communication with
the entire system via a web interface with the follow-
ing functions: store parameters and provide data; pro-
vide a user-friendly interface for operating personnel;
control the status and lighting control system; anal-
ysis of accumulated data; make sure to create report
documents; central control and management system;
setting opacity via web interface; programming calen-
dar dimming control from software; maintenance and
alarm of system status.
The proposed smart lighting system is designed to
control andmonitor devices via wireless transmission
frequencies below 1 GHz. The system will include
many types of devices connected to each other by a
gateway. The transmit distance is about 2km in the
urban area and up to 5km in rural area. There are 2
main types of devices in the system including:
Controllable nodes: These nodes include controllable
luminaires and electric cabinets. These devices can
perform monitoring and remote control through the
system administrator’s web service
Monitoring nodes: Includes environmental sensors
and power meters that update the system’s real-time
parameters to the control center. These sensors work
to provide input parameters to perform automated
control tasks
The luminaires can perform control through control
Mode 1: User control
The users with administrative rights can control the
group of lights manually by drag the sliders and push
the buttons to turn on, off or dim the group of lights
Mode 2: Timing control
The users with administrative rights can set the value
of ON Time, On power, Timing 1, power 1, timing 2,
power 2 to timing 5 power 5 and OFF time for each
group of light. After setting and saving the timing ta-
ble, the group of lights will automatically do the ac-
tions as programmed.
Mode 3: Auto control
The users with administrative rights can set the value
of ON time, On power and off time for each group of
Theuser can active the “light sensors” function: When
activing, the light can measure the light intensity to
automatically change the value of ON time and OFF
time to +- 3 hours depending on the season
The user can active the “local sensor auto dimming”
function: The user will set the Timing and Power for
the local sensor to take action. When this function is
active, the individual light in the group can automatic
control themselves by reading the value of the sensor
then dim the light. The sensor will be use is motion
sensor with an example bellow
On time: 7pm
Power on: 90%
Off time: 6am
Local sensor auto dimming time: 0h00
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):193-206
Figure 2: The proposed smart street lighting.
Figure 3: The devices in Stage I.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):193-206
Figure 4: LED driver used in experimental setup.
Figure 5: Gateway– LoRa.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):193-206
Figure 6: Control Center Software.
Power dimming: 70%
In this case, the group of lights will be turned on at
7pm with the power equal to 90% rated power. The
motion sensors were deactivated
At 0h00 the group of light will active the motion sen-
If there is a person below the light, the motion sensor
is active and the light works at 90% rated power. If
there is no person, the light will decrease the power to
70% rated power.
At 6h00 next day. The group of lights off.
The local sensor and the light will work indepen-
dently, that means after setting up this mode, the web
and server need not take any actions until next com-
mand (turn of the light).
A remote-control streetlight includes a wireless con-
troller and a controllable led driver connected to each
other via a smart control bus. The current and volt-
age at the input of the lamp are monitored by the con-
troller while the load side output is controlled by in-
ternal MCU. These parameters were transmitted to
the server via the remote gateway and data was syn-
chronized in time thanks to the internal RTC inside
the wireless controller. The smart control APIs on
RS485 link were introduced to keep connect and con-
trol the led driver. At the same time, the driver is also
capable of being controlled by da-li and analog in case
of use with other controllers on the market.
In order to verify the proposed system, we have built
the smart lighting system in Hochiminh City Univer-
sity at shown in Figure 7. The lighting system struc-
ture is shown in Figure 8. In Led lamp, there are
some control sets for on, off, dim and on, off, dim
according to RTC. When the user controls the Led,
the command comes down from the Web application
- from theWeb service from there to Gateway - Gate-
way sends the command down to the LoRaWanMod-
ule - and the module sends the command to the LED
control set to execute the command. This process
is a two-way process when the user sends the com-
mand down, the command must run back to get the
response. Data from the LED control will switch to
LoRaWanModule andGateway to send toCloud, net-
work protocol is TCP. Each LoRaWan module has a
uniqueMAC ID, so that Gateway can identify the data
from which node is sent.
LoRa has two important parameters to assess the
quality of the network when receiving the packet,
which is RSSI- receiving signal strength indicator-
indicating the signal strength received measured in
dBm; is defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard. The
greater the RSSI value, the greater the signal strength
and SNR - signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) measured in
dB. The quality of Lorawan network is determined by
ARF8123AA handheld test and measurement device
and is performed bymoving themeasuring device far-
ther away than the Gateway, the results show that: at
a distance of 4370 m RSSI value reached (-109dBm).
According to experiment, in the range of RSSI (0;-
137) dBm, all data can be fully transmitted in both
directions. Figure 9 shows the experimental results
when we measure the quality of data transmission. It
can be seen that the proposed system can be worked
at 5 km radius region.
The software allows the distribution of system usage
rights to users, with 3 classes: User, Admin and Super
User. When clicking on a user, it will switch to a page
with detailed information. The software allows users
tomanage the system: howmany users and howmany
users are using an account. When we login to the sys-
tem, we can see all the Led lamp in the map as shown
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):193-206
Figure 7: The installation of smart lighting system in HCMUT.
Figure 8: System structure.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):193-206
Figure 9: Experimental results.
Figure 10: Led lamp location in themap.
in Figure 10. In this test, these lamps are divvied into
three groups as shown in Figure 11 and the number
of lamps in each group are shown.
Figure 12and Figure 13 shown the management
function of this software. It can be seen that all
data such as: dimming, input voltage, output current,
power consumption,  are shown in the screen. Fig-
ure 14 shows the status of each Led lamp, we can rec-
ognize the on/off status, and how much dimming.
The implementation of smart street lighting which is
applied in Hochiminh City University is presented in
this paper. LoRa Technology allows real-time analyt-
ics, sensing, reduced energy costs, and connectivity to
the Cloud, all while continuing to keep citizens safe.
And the Lora Wan techniques is used in this project.
First, a LoRa-enabled sensor is embedded in a street
lamp. Hence, these sensors have the ability to con-
trol the lamp’s functions. A demonstration with 33
Led lamps (three groups) shows the effectiveness of
the presented system.
This research is funded by Hochiminh City Depart-
ment of Science and Technology under grand num-
ber: 18/2018/HD-SKHCN.
Le Minh Phuong and Nguyen Dinh Tuyen designed
the methodology and wrote the manuscript. Ngo
Thanh Tung and Nguyen Minh Huy conceived and
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):193-206
Figure 11: Three lamp groups.
Figure 12: Datamanagement.
designed the hardware. Ta Le Dinh Huy and Ngo
Hoai Phong implemented the experiments and col-
lected data. Le Minh Phuong provided supervision
and manuscript revised.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Figure 14: The status of each Led lamp.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Kĩ thuật và Công nghệ, 2(3):193-206
Open Access Full Text Article Bài Nghiên cứu
1Trường ĐHThông tin Liên lạc
2Trường ĐH Công nghiệp TP.HCM
3Trường ĐH Bách khoa, Đại học Quốc
gia TP.HCM
Liên hệ
LêMinh Phương, Trường ĐH Bách khoa, Đại
học Quốc gia TP.HCM
Lịch sử
 Ngày nhận: 28-8-2019
 Ngày chấp nhận: 21/9/2019
 Ngày đăng: 30/9/2019
DOI : 10.32508/stdjet.v2i3.570
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International license.
Phát triển và thực thi hệ thống chiếu sáng đường phố thôngminh
trên cơ sở công nghệ LoRa
Ngô Thanh Tùng1, Nguyễn Hoài Phong2, Tạ Lê Đình Huy3, NguyễnMinh Huy3, Nguyễn Đình Tuyên3,
Lê Minh Phương3,*
Use your smartphone to scan this
QR code and download this article
Bài báo này trình bày sự thực thi hệ thống chiếu sáng thông minh dựa trên đèn Led và hệ thống
truyền không dây LoRa. Các đèn đường thôngminh đã được phát triển gần đây và các công nghệ
này đã đóngmột vai trò quan trọng trong an toàn đô thị, tiết kiệm năng lượng. Hiện tại, đèn đường
sẽ tự động bật, tắt dựa trên bộ hẹn giờ hoặc cảmbiến ngày đêm. Trong bài báo này, hệ thống chiếu
sáng thông minh được đề xuất để thay thế hệ thống chiếu sáng cũ để điều khiển và giám sát các
thiết bị thông qua hệ thống truyền không dây với tần số dưới 1 GHz. Đèn Led hiện đang được thay
thế cho các đèn truyền thống và các điều khiển thông minh ngày càng được sử dụng nhiều hơn
và phát triển song song với sự phát triển của đèn Led. Đèn Led có rất nhiều ưu điểm như: tiết kiệm
năng lượng, tuổi thọ cao, độ tin cậy cao, ánh sáng trung thực, và thân thiện môi trường. Hơn nữa,
việc điều khiển độ sáng của đèn Led cũng dễ dàng hơn so với các đèn khác. Hệ thống chiếu sáng
thông minh trong bài báo được xây dựng dựa vào nhiều thiết bị được kết nối với nhau thông qua
thiệt bị Gateway. Khoảng cách truyền dữ liệu khoảng 2 km ở khu vực thành thị và 5 km ở khu vực
nông thôn. Hệ thống chiếu sáng đề xuất trong bài báo có các tính năng hoạt động như: chế độ
tự động, chế độ điều khiển từ xa, chế độ ngắt kết nối lưới, chế độ vận hành trực tiếp bằng tay. Hệ
thống chiếu sáng này đã được thực hiện tại Trường Đại học Bách khoa, ĐHQG-HCM và các kết quả
thực nghiệm được đo đạc để chứng minh tính khả thi của giải pháp đề xuất.
Từ khoá: chiếu sáng sử dụng LED, Chiếu sáng thông minh, Thành phố thông minh, Công nghệ
Trích dẫn bài báo này: Tùng N T, Phong N H, Huy T L D, Huy N M, Tuyên N D, Phương L M. Phát triển và
thực thi hệ thống chiếu sáng đường phố thông minh trên cơ sở công nghệ LoRa . Sci. Tech. Dev. J. -
Eng. Tech.; 2(3):193-206.

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