Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function

A cryptographic hash function is a function

which takes an input of arbitrary length and

returns an output of fixed length. A general way

of hashing messages of arbitrary length is to

repeat a compression function using some general

structures, e.g. Merkle-Damgard, HAIFA. A

base compression function can be built from a

mishmash of components or based on

cryptographic primitives such as block ciphers.

Block cipher-based compression functions

have been extensively studied. The most

common approach is to build a 2𝑛-bit to 𝑛-bit

compression function using a block cipher of

𝑛-bit block length, namely a single-blocklength (SBL) compression function. However,

such an SBL compression function may be

susceptible to collision attacks because of its

short output length. For example, we can

successfully execute a birthday attack on an

SBL compression function based on the AES-

128 that only approximates 264 queries. This

prompted the study of double-block-length

(DBL) compression functions which have the

output length double the block length of the

base block cipher.

Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function trang 1

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Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function trang 2

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Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function trang 3

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Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function trang 4

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Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function trang 5

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Alpha-Dbl: A reasonable high secure double-block-length hash function
 푞 oracle queries. where ̅ denotes the bit-by-bit complement of H. 
 The advantage of 풜 finding a IV. PROVABLE SECURITY OF ALPHA-DBL 
collision/preimage of an iterated hash function is 
defined similarly. A. Collision resistance security 
 푙 ℎ 3푛 2푛
 In this model, the experiments make a Theorem 1. Let 퐹 : {0,1} → {0,1} be a 
decision based on the history of the adversary’s compression function based on block cipher as 
queries to encryption/decryption oracles. defined in Definition 1. Then, 
However, the adversary may, without asking 푞(푞 − 1)
anything from the oracles, try to construct a 푣 표푙푙 (푞) ≤ . 
 푙 ℎ ( − 푞)2
collision or a preimage, for example, to guess. 
 Số 2.CS (12) 2020 13 
Journal of Science and Technology on Information security 
Proof. Consider an arbitrary adversary 풜 has = 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ), 
made 푞 queries to or in order to attain a = 퐿푒 푡 표푠푡푛(퐾̅ ), = ⊕ , 
 푙 ℎ 
collision for the compression function 퐹 . 풜 = 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾̅ ), 
will record a query history 𝒬 = {푄푖}푖=1, where = 퐿푒 푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ), = ⊕ . 
푄 = ( , 퐾 , 푌 ) such that ( ) = 푌 . Note 
 푖 푖 푖 푖 퐾𝑖 푖 푖 Construction of the list: The adversary 풜 will 
that the adversary 풜 never asks a query to which make a query number 푖 to or −1 for 1 ≤ 푖 ≤
it already knows the answer. We build a more 푞. Then the adversary gets a triple-tuple 
powerful adversary 풜′ which copies 풜 but it can ( ) ( )
 푖, 퐾푖, 푌푖 such that 퐾𝑖 푖 = 푌푖 in case of a 
ask an extra query to in some cases. Therefore, forward query and −1(푌 ) = in case of a 
we just need to find an upper bound of the 퐾𝑖 푖 푖
 backward query. In either case, the value ⊕
advantage of 풜′ finding a collision for 퐹 푙 ℎ . 푖
 푌푖 ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾푖) is randomly determined 
 The adversary 풜′ maintains a list ℒ (be null by the output of the query. 
at the beginning) that represents any possible 
 Now, 풜′ checks if an entry 퐿 = ( , 퐾 ,∗,∗) or 
input/output of the compression function 퐹 푙 ℎ 푖 푖
 퐿′ = ( , 퐾̅ ,∗,∗) belongs to the recent list ℒ, 
computed by adversary 풜. An element 퐿 ∈ ℒ is 푖 푖
 where “∗” is an arbitrary value. Obviously, there 
a quad-tuple ( , 퐾, 푌, 푌′) ∈ {0,1}5푛 where ∈
 are 2 scenarios: both 퐿, 퐿′ are not in ℒ, or both of 
{0,1}푛, 퐾 ∈ {0,1}2푛 is the 3푛-bit input to 
 them are already in ℒ. Indeed, if 퐿푖: =
compression function such that 퐾 = ( ̅푖, 푖−1) 
 ( 푖, 퐾푖, 푌푖, 푌푖′) ∈ ℒ then we also have 퐿푖: =
and = 푖−1 ⊕ 푖. The 푛-bit values 푌, 푌′ can 
 ( 푖, 퐾̅푖, 푌푖′, 푌푖) ∈ ℒ. 
be computed by 푌 = 퐾( ) and 푌′ = 퐾̅( ). 
 Scenario 1: If 퐿 or 퐿′ are not in ℒ. Then 풜′ will 
 Let’s define a collision in the list. Fix two 
 ( )
 make an additional forward query 푌푖′ = 퐾̅𝑖 푖 . 
integers , with ≠ , such that 퐿 = 푛
 Since 퐾̅푖 ≠ 퐾푖 for every 퐾푖 ∈ {0,1} then the 
( , 퐾 , 푌 , 푌 ′) represents the -th element in ℒ 
 value of 푌푖′ is independently and randomly 
and 퐿 = ( , 퐾 , 푌 , 푌 ′) is the -th element in 
 distributed with 푌푖. Then, the adversary sets 
ℒ. We say that 퐿 and 퐿 “collide” if we can find 
a collision using the query results given in 퐿 and 퐿푖: = ( 푖, 퐾푖, 푌푖, 푌푖′) 
퐿 . This event occurs if and only if one of the 
 and appends to the list ℒ. 
following two conditions is satisfied: 
 Let 푆 푒푠푠푖, for 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푞, be the event that 
 (i) 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ) 푡ℎ
 the 푖 success, i.e. there exists 푗 < 푖 such that 퐿푖 
 = 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ) and 
 ′ collide with 퐿푗. For 1 ≤ 푗 < 푖, we have: 
 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾̅ ) 
 = 푌 ′ ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ), 푖 ⊕ 푌푖 ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾푖) 1
 Pr [ ] ≤ 
 = ⊕ 푌 ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡 (퐾 )
(ii) 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ) 푗 푗 푛 푗 − 푞
 ′ ̅
 = 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ) and and 
 ′ ̅
 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ) ′ ̅
 푖 ⊕ 푌푖 ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾푖) 1
 = 푌 ⊕ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ), Pr [ ] ≤ . 
 = 푗 ⊕ 푌푗′ ⊕ 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾̅푗) − 푞
where 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾) and 퐿푒 푡 표푠푡푛(퐾) are 
푛 bits farthest to the right and 푛 bits farthest to Since these above events are independent then 
the left of 퐾, respectively. the probability of condition (i) occurring is at 
 most 1 . Similarly, the probability of 
 Indeed, the condition (i) implies a collision ( −푞)2
pair ( , , ), ( , , ) with condition (ii) occurring is at most . 
 ( −푞)2
 = 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡 (퐾 ), 
 푛 Therefore, the probability of success of the 푖푡ℎ 
 = 퐿푒 푡 표푠푡 (퐾̅ ), = ⊕ , 
 푛 query is 
 = 푅푖 ℎ푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ), 
 ̅ 푖−1
 = 퐿푒 푡 표푠푡푛(퐾 ), = ⊕ . 2 2(푖 − 1)
 Pr[푆 푒푠푠푖] ≤ ∑ = . 
 The condition (ii) implies a collision pair ( − 푞)2 ( − 푞)2
( , , ), ( , , ) with 
14 No 2.CS (12) 2020 
 Khoa học và Công nghệ trong lĩnh vực An toàn thông tin 
 Thus, the total probability of success for 푞 Combining this with Theorem 1, we get the 
queries is following theorem: 
 푞(푞 − 1) Theorem 2. Let be an iterated hash function 
Pr[푆 푒푠푠(푞)] ≤ ∑ Pr[푆 푒푠푠푖] ≤ . built on the compression function 퐹 defined in 
 ( − 푞)2
 푖=1 Definition 1. Then 
Scenario 2: Both 퐿 and 퐿′ are in ℒ. Therefore, 푞(푞−1)
 푣 표푙푙(푞) ≤ , for every 1 ≤ 푞 < . 
풜′ ignores this query and we know that 풜 has ( −푞)2
no chance of winning. B. Preimage resistance security 
 Therefore, the probability of the adversary Theorem 3. Let 퐹 푙 ℎ : {0,1}3푛 → {0,1}2푛 be a 
풜′ success is compression function based on block cipher as 
 defined in Definition 1. Then 
 표푙푙 푞(푞 − 1)
 푣퐹 푙 ℎ (풜′) ≤ 2. 
 ( − 푞) 푃 푒 16푞
 푣 푙 ℎ (푞) ≤ . 
 Now, we return to evaluate the advantage of 2
풜. We have Proof. The idea of the proof follows the proofs of 
 푞(푞 − 1) Theorems 1 and 2 in [9]. Let 푈|| ∈ {0,1} be 
 표푙푙 표푙푙 the preimage target (chosen by the adversary 
 푣퐹 푙 ℎ (풜) ≤ 푣퐹 푙 ℎ (풜′) ≤ 2. 
 ( − 푞) before he mounts any query to ). We need to 
 Since 풜 is an arbitrary 푞-query adversary then upper bound the probability that the adversary 
 finds a point ||퐿|| ∈ {0,1}3푛 such that 
 푞(푞 − 1)
 푣 표푙푙 (푞) ≤ . 퐹 푙 ℎ ( , 퐿, ) = (푈, ) using 푞 queries. 
 푙 ℎ ( − 푞)2
 We also reuse the notion of free queries and 
 We can easily get the following corollary: super queries [9]: 
 푙 ℎ 3푛 2푛
Corollary 1. Let 퐹 : {0,1} → {0,1} be After the adversary asks a forward query 
a compression function based on block cipher 
 ̅ ( ⊕ 퐿), it is given the answer of the query 
as defined in Definition 1. Then for 푞 ≤ 2푛−1.27 퐿|| 
 퐿|| ̅ ( ⊕ 퐿) for free. Similarly, if the adversary 
we have −1
 makes a backward query 퐿̅|| (푅), and receives 
 1 −1
 표푙푙 an answer ⊕ 퐿 = 퐿̅|| (푅) then the answer of 
 푣 푙 ℎ (푞) ≤ + 표(1) 
 2 the forward query 퐿|| ̅ ( ⊕ 퐿) is given for free. 
where 표(1) tends to 0 when 푛 tends to infinity. Therefore, the entries of the adversary’s query 
 history 𝒬 can be grouped into adjacent pairs of 
Proof. Firstly, it can be seen that the right hand 
 the form ( ⊕ 퐿, 퐿̅|| , 푅), ( ⊕ 퐿, 퐿|| ̅, 푆), 
side of Theorem 1 is an increasing function in 푞 
 namely “adjacent query pair”. 
for 푞 < . Consider 
 After completing each adjacent query 
 푞(푞 − 1) 1 2푛
 = . pair, we check whether the key 퐾 ∈ {0,1} 
 ( − 푞)2 2 used for the latest query satisfies the query 
 history contains exactly /2 queries with this 
 We get 
 key. If this occurs, all remaining queries under 
 the key and the remaining queries under key 
 푞 ≈ (√2 − 1) = 2푛−1.27. 퐾
 퐾̅ will be given to the adversary for free. We add 
 Applying Theorem 1, we have the proof. these /2 free query pairs to the query history. 
 For example, for 푛 = 128 Corollary 1 implies Since the adversary is assumed never to make a 
that any adversary making less than 2126.73 query to which it knows the answer, then the 
queries cannot find a collision with probability adversary cannot make any more queries under 
greater than 1/2. this key after these free queries have been added 
 into the query history. We say that a super query 
 The MD-strengthening design preserves occurs if and only if /2 free query pairs are 
collision resistance (see Theorem 2.4.1, [11]). given to the adversary. Note that a super query 
 Số 2.CS (12) 2020 15 
Journal of Science and Technology on Information security 
is the set of /2 free query pairs that returned Let 풟 and ℛ be the domain and the range of that 
to the adversary. super query, respectively. If ⊕ 퐿 ∈ 풟 then the 
 probability that ( ⊕ 퐿) ⊕ ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ =
 An adjacent query pair ( ⊕ 퐿, 퐿̅|| , 푅), 퐿̅|| 
( ⊕ 퐿, 퐿|| ̅, 푆) is called “winning” if 푈 is either 0 if ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ ⊕ 푈 ∉ ℛ, or is 
 exactly 2/ if ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ ⊕ 푈 ∈ ℛ. Thus, the 
 ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푅 ⊕ = 푈 and ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푆 ⊕ ̅ = , 
 probability that 퐿̅|| ( ⊕ 퐿) ∈ {푈 ⊕ ⊕ 퐿 ⊕
or if , ⊕ ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ } is at most 4/ . 
 ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푅 ⊕ = and ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푆 ⊕ ̅ = 푈. If 퐿̅|| ( ⊕ 퐿) ∈ {푈 ⊕ ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ , ⊕
 Therefore, if the adversary obtains a winning ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ }, then the probability that 
adjacent query pair then it obtains a preimage of 퐿|| ̅ ( ⊕ 퐿) ∈ {푈 ⊕ ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ , ⊕ ⊕
푈|| . In addition, the winning query pair is part 퐿 ⊕ ̅} is at most 1/( /2). Therefore, the 
of a super query or not. Let probability that the super query produces a 
푆 푒 푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬) and winning pair of adjacent queries is at most ×
 ( ) 8 4
 표 푙푄 푒 푊푖푛 𝒬 be the event that the = . Since there are at most 푞/( /2) super 
adversary obtains a winning query pair that is 2 
part of a super query and normal queries, queries, we have 
respectively. Therefore, we need to upper bound Pr[푆 푒 푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬)] ≤ 8푞. (2) 
 Pr[푆 푒 푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬)]
 Combining (1) with (2) completes the proof. 
 + Pr[ 표 푙푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬)]. 
 Corollary 2. Let 퐹 푙 ℎ : {0,1}3푛 → {0,1}2푛 be a 
 When the event 표 푙푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬) 
 compression function based on block cipher as 
occurs. Assume that the adversary asks a forward 
 defined in Definition 1. Then 
query 퐿̅|| ( ⊕ 퐿), then at most ( /2 − 2) 
queries (including free queries) have been 1
 푣푃 푒 (22푛−5) ≤ . 
previously answered with the key 퐿̅|| . It’s 푙 ℎ 2
implies that, 1
 Proof. Considering 푞 ≤ 2. Applying 
 2 32
 Pr[ ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푅 ⊕ = 푈] ≤ . Theorem 3, we have 
 If then the probability 푣푃 푒 (22푛−5) ≤ . 
 ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푅 ⊕ = 푈 푙 ℎ 2
of the free query ̅ ( ⊕ 퐿) returns ⊕ 퐿 ⊕
 퐿|| For example, for 푛 = 128 Corollary 2 
 ⊕ that is at most 1/( /2) = 2/ , since the 
 implies that any adversary making less than 
answer to the free query comes uniformly at 
 251 queries cannot find a preimage with a 
random from a set of size at least /2 + 2 > 2
 considerable probability. 
 /2. Therefore, we have 
 The Merkle-Damgard design also preserves 
 ( ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푅 ⊕ = 푈) ∧ 4
 Pr [ ] ≤ . preimage resistance (see Theorem 2.4.2, [11]). 
 ̅ 2
 ( ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푆 ⊕ = ) Combining Theorem 3 with Theorem 2.4.2 [11], 
 Similarly, we get the preimage resistance of a hash function 
 composed of in Definition 1. 
 ( ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푅 ⊕ = ) ∧ 4 퐹
 Pr [ ] ≤ . 
 ( ⊕ 퐿 ⊕ 푆 ⊕ ̅ = 푈) 2 Theorem 4. Let be an iterated hash function 
 built on the compression function 퐹 specified in 
 Moreover, since the adversary makes 푞 
 Definition 1. Then 
queries total then we have 
 8푞 푃 푒 16푞
 Pr[ 표 푙푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬)] ≤ . (1) 푣 (푞) ≤ . 
 2 2
 In case the event 푆 푒 푄 푒 푊푖푛(𝒬) 
occurs. Assume that a super query occur on keys 
퐿̅|| and 퐿|| ̅, then the value of 퐿̅|| (. ) and 
 퐿|| ̅ (. ) is already known on exactly /2 points. 
16 No 2.CS (12) 2020 
 Khoa học và Công nghệ trong lĩnh vực An toàn thông tin 
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